Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Zen Gardner – Truth Psyops and the Awakening Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly have.

It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever…and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it.

That would seem to be fairly simple, especially once it has happened to you. The fullness of life you expand into, the realization of infinite possibility, is so exhilarating, liberating and profoundly simple that you can’t help but wonder why everyone doesn’t see it.

This is especially so once the grand conspiracy being foisted on humanity comes into full focus. Things really kick into high gear upon realizing fully what’s going on and why we’re here at this crucial time.

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The notion that this wonderful realization should be apparent to all soon tempers though, when we remember being in that entranced unconscious state ourselves and how we thought we understood pretty well what life was all about. A healthy spiritual check for our attitudes.

How Did It Happen?

Almost all of us were once encased in something that kept us apart from this simple experiential realization. That encasement was both natural and engineered. Natural in the sense that we are spirit born into a physical body, so there is a dimensional challenge right there.

The real problems arise with the cultural and societal constructs we are born into. As helpless infants for an extensive period of time after birth, we are at the complete mercy of whomever is caring for us. Although we are inherently spiritual beings, if this is not corroborated by the spirit and behavior of those around us a type of callous begins to grow to obfuscate that knowledge. Much like waking from a dream and not being able to remember it as a whole different “reality” takes over our senses.

It just happens. If people have dumbed down parents they will most likely be dumbed down as well. At least on the surface. In later years they perhaps can wake up out of that environment as many of us have done.

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The War On Consciousness

Children are very often extremely spiritual, often remembering their previous state in detail. Children are born pure. If this inherent spirituality is encouraged and the reality of our true nature reinforced, this would be a very different world.

However it rarely is. Those indigenous peoples who were not raised in engineered societies but only within simple cultural guidelines are very spiritual and natural. There is no “waking up”, they just never went to sleep. This is why these rich, conscious native cultures and their shamans have been systematically decimated by the ugly Controllers. They do not want an awakened populace nor for these simple empowering truths to be propagated. Period. And these spiritually free, unharnessed indigenous peoples carried this awareness and connectivity that the Controllers so despise.

So in the overlords’ view the children of the world must be made to conform to a system as limiting and spiritually confining as possible. This will include drugging, mind control, restrictive false education in militaristic institutions, treadmill like jobs, mindless diversions and constant propaganda.

In other words, the imposed world system around us.

If you’re wondering why the global crack down is so fierce and Orwellian and is accelerating at break neck speed, this is why. The awakening is spreading like wildfire. And they know it. This is why predators like Zbigniew Brzezinski see the awakening as a threat and say things like “It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than it is to control them.” (See for yourself here.)

This the type of monster we’re up against.

Original Sin – The Seed of the Matrix

The most clever and effective tools to control mankind are religion and belief systems. Instead of fully denying our spirituality, they acknowledge it, then channel and control it. Win the masses over by appealing to this innate drive in each of us to realize our spiritual potential and take them to another nicely decorated cell they think is freedom.

They use this tactic proficiently. Just look at the infrastructure of the Catholic Church for probably the most blatant and elaborate example. The other religions and denominations aren’t far behind, nor the socio-political structure. Anything to “protect” us from reality and personal responsibility.

Original sin is one of the most colossal reversals of truth of all time. That and the fear of death. From start to finish these parasitic overlords lie, steal, destroy, manipulate and kill. They’re never satisfied. But that’s how they do it, reverse and confuse everything until your true orientation is almost impossible to find.

Or so they’d like to think.

That we were born in “sin” and need someone else to pay a fee to get our innocence back couldn’t be more binding, never mind exclusive of everyone who doesn’t see why they have to pay this toll for just arriving here. It’s like having to buy land and water on our own planet. Who the hell thinks they own this place?

This is why we’re “tagged” at birth with “certificates” that connect us to this false, imposed legal matrix. It’s a contract, and one that needs to be broken. Consciously. An essential part of awakening.

In reality we were born pure until they put their filthy matrix trip on us. Even then they will never conquer our indomitable conscious spirit. But untangling and disengaging is ours to fully pursue.

Shill Alert Zen Gardner Truth Psyops and the Awakening

If You Can’t Beat ‘em, Lead ‘em

Who can you trust in this day and age, even with the internet communication and information revolution? It’s obvious the PTBs will try to subvert or nullify the Truth movement, or whatever you want to call it. They must think we’re naive dolts like the asleeple and just awaiting their fascist harvesting combine. Quite the arrogant disconnect there, when their machinations are so obvious to the rest of us.

But that makes sense, when they live in a lower density mind trap and can’t even conceive of our state of consciousness.

Overall there’s a lot to be wary of. And that’s a healthy attitude. Am I paranoid? Damn straight I am if that’s the definition. They are after us. Reminds me of Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Most Dangerous Game” where the ultimate hunt for the psychopathic gamesman is a human being. That’s their mindset in a nutshell. Just look at the war and genocide programming and soft kill depopulation agenda.

I Don’t Believe in Believing

When it comes down to it, don’t believe anyone. Belief is a form of spiritual weakness. Faith (not religious), or knowledge, is a whole different animal, it’s actually knowing on a personal level despite the baggage that comes with the term, but belief will get you in trouble. Pursue until you are fully convinced. Sometimes it takes some doing – many times you just know something in your heart to be true. That’s not a belief, that’s knowing. That is where we derive our power, our happiness, our effectiveness.

Belief will have you living in vain, vain repetitive prayers or rituals, vain longings for what you desire as you await the graces of some deity or all powerful ruler or government; vain hopes for things that could be realized through knowing affirmation. Even the quantum physicists know better. What we intend and focus our attention on becomes manifest.

Our knowing creates our world.

I tell people all the time to not believe me or take my word for it. People need to find out for themselves. That’s what’s wrong with the world today. Everyone just blindly follows the dictates of others, especially the vast matrix of deceit. What choices they do make are within a carefully contained compartment, giving the illusion of freedom.

I’m just sharing my take and if it resonates or helps people on their way, great. People need to get their own knowledge and perspective. I just want to help turn over a few stones as I’m learning myself and stir people up a bit and maybe inspire and spur them to action to free themselves and others.

If someone thinks I’m full of crap that’s fine with me. They go their way and I go mine. But let’s at least acknowledge the sanctity of having the freedom to each pursue and learn for ourselves.

I like it when people challenge anything, as long as it’s constructive and in a spirit of wanting to learn and find the truth of the matter. When someone shoves their program too hard or it’s for self justification or aggrandizement watch out. We all get out of it sometimes but when there’s a regular pattern that’s off kilter we have a problem. But even then, take the good stuff and leave the rest. You’ll usually find yourself looking at other sources of information naturally, and leaving the questionables behind.

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Truth Psy-Ops

The Truth community or alternative research community is already infiltrated, you just know it is by simple logic. The PTB’s motto is to lead the opposition, that’s how to control it. So you know they are amongst the places we all visit for information, trying to mislead and misinform, whatever the source be it spiritual or clearly misdirected or agendized information. Some are obvious like the politicized bullshit or religiously oriented propaganda. Some aren’t that easy to spot, much like these new computer viruses that appear and disappear. They’re shape shifters of every sort.

With real conscious awareness comes discernment. We need to listen with our ears and minds, yes, but most of all with our hearts.

I can’t say I know for sure who’s who myself but you can usually sniff them out. For example, there are some who’ve captured the so-called “patriots’” attention with mountains of exposes and angry rhetoric and most don’t have a clue where they’re being led and what a diversion it potentially is. Even some of the alternative health sites have some very questionable viewpoints and allegiances. The information in these compromised outlets is mostly bang on, otherwise it wouldn’t work. But there are usually major gaps missing from the full Truth, or it’s caged in a structured paradigm that by definition is limiting and will only land us in new versions of the same problems.

Eternal vigilance, as has been said, is the price of freedom.

Maybe it’s all karmic and what has to happen with people getting waylaid by partial truths, I don’t know. I do know what my path is and it’s not based on a destination or outcome. The path is what I’m doing and living every day, and I’m an extremely grateful and happy person. I did have to go through several major traumatic life changes to find the full “Now” way of life as is the case of many. But this awakening is something I feel I’m still just learning about and at childhood stage which I’m very comfortable with. In fact I feel I know less all the time and it feels good. The wonderful mystery of it all just gets more fantastic and I’m learning to just let go and enjoy it instead of trying to figure everything out.

Funny thing is, the more you do that the more wonderful things just come at you.

Like many of you reading this, I couldn’t help keeping on until everything became clear. It’s very humbling to wake up, everything is just so so wonderfully evident, like “where have I been?”. But it’s a massive responsibility at the same time. If we don’t manifest and utilize this awareness, it will not only fade but many others we could have helped will suffer.

Therein lies the catch.

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Belief System Diversions and Hijacking the Awakening

The NWO is a spiritual model most of all. They want control and ultimately the spiritual is supreme and they know that. While they don’t have the conscious awareness and wonderful empathy we have, they do operate on a spiritual level, just a different frequency. The New World Order includes a new world religion, and they’re warming up to it.

There’s a plethora of disinfo tools laced into the alternative information and spirituality arena. Most are obvious. If it disempowers, it’s wrong. If it directs your allegiance, it’s wrong. If it robs you of your sovereignty, it’s wrong. If it’s dogmatic and hierarchical, it’s wrong. Most lies and lying systems have all of those traits, while other aspects are more subtle. There are other attributes but to me the ones above are the most prominent.

The so called New Age Movement is rife with phony baloney trips, messiahs and deliverance doctrines. Many will be tempted to rest their weary minds and park their energy in any one of these false peace spaces and expect someone to cover for them.

Walk on your own two feet. There’s nothing more empowering and liberating.

We have to understand there are plenty of way-stations, indefinite stopovers, sidetracks and diversions on our path to conscious fulfillment. For these psychopathic control freaks to try to hijack this awakening in every way possible is clearly a priority for them towards our continued subjugation.

Be savvy.

The point is to get past them, and not fall for their mind candy and rhetoric, no matter how appealing. We are divine in our entirety and do not need some kind of system or group identity other than Love and Truth. Sure, groups will form as action or fellowship gatherings, but when those symptoms start appearing it is probably time to split, and enlighten those around you. Until we have a clear, consciously aware picture of what’s going on and our real situation, shortsighted actions are just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

So, hijack the awakening? Let them try to put out the light of the sun and stop the other stars from shining while they’re at it. What fools.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for these maniacs. They’re getting more desperate by the day. These psychotic parasites are on the loose. We need to be smart and on our toes.

And most of all keep the light on. Those in the approaching darkness will be needing it.

Game on. They don’t know what or who they’re dealing with. Let it fly!

Much love always, Zen

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Comment by Besimi on September 9, 2014 at 2:09am

They contacted "brain" from a distance of 8,000 Anastasios.

They contacted "brain" from a distance of 8,000 km...

For the first time an international team of neuroscientists and robotics engineers showed that enable direct communication between human brain via the Internet, as the Athens-Macedonian News Agency.

The researchers succeeded in transferring information directly from one brain to another, which spaced apart about 8000 km. One man thought the word "hello" on one end of the Earth and one another "accidental" in his own head[hello] on the other side of the planet.

The scientists, led by Alvaro Pascual-Leone, a researcher at the Medical Center "Beth Yisrael" and professor of neurology at Harvard University, made ​​the date of publication in the journal «PLoS One», stated that their experiment showed that it is possible to "read "the brain activity of a person and then transferred online to another brain over a long distance, without having to precede typing a word or pronunciation.

The researchers carried out brain to brain the words «hola» and «ciao» («hello" in Spanish and Italian) from one location to another in India in France, using wireless EEG devices and robotic devices transcranial magnetic stimulation, which linked via the internet...Blessings...

Views: 100


Comment by Besimi on September 9, 2014 at 2:05am


Saturday, 6 September 2014


Message from the Star Council of Light

Hackpen Hill 2, 7 Aug 2014, and Hackpen Hill 1, 8 and 9 July 2014
Oh dearest Amuna Ra, 

we would like to give you a message to send out to all the people who long to hear our words on the circles this year. It is I, Peroptimé, who speaks. We are most pleased you have received healing in our latest small circle (6 August 2014) and are well enough to enter our formations once more and take down our messages to humanity.

This circle you are sitting in now (8 and 9 July 2014) has been present for many weeks, sending the healing of its energy into the Earth and freely sharing it with all people who come into it. The energy which you felt was so beautiful, Amuna Ra, is that of your home in the Pleiades and it touches your heart because it transports your back there even while in your human body. 
The energy of the Pleiades is full of love and lightness. It is healing and regenerative. It balances whatever is out of sorts in both the human system and within the system of the Earth herself. Thus we are able to heal the Earth through the simple means of imprinting these forms into the living, ripening grain. 
Many of you wonder why we choose fields of grain to make our formations and to send our healing. 

It is because we have a special relationship to the millions of seeds which are growing in a grain field. There is a tremendous energetic force-field generated by such burgeoning life forces, a tremendous power with which we can interact. When we send our light-energy down to make the formations we interact with this force-field and its energy combines with ours to become a power capable of great greater health and well-being. It is a power of balance and connection, of life and harmony, of new beginnings and the future.
For a grain of wheat bears its fruit in the following season. It is life-filled, entirely up-building and future orientated. A grain of wheat does not look back with longing to the past, nor does it tarry in the familiar circumstances of the present and get attached. It grows and constantly changes until it is ready to be transformed into a whole new plant or into bread to nourish human beings.

The energy of such life processes upon the Earth is very great and when it is combined with the patterns of star energy, the resulting transformative force is extremely strong. Thus can we work with the Devic beings of the Earth to help balance their mother, Gaia, and to help balance human beings who are the most maverick of all created life on Earth, thanks to their gift of free will.
Now what do you mean by that exactly, you are thinking... Well, dear ones, if you consider all other forms of natural life upon your planet – the birds and animals, the minerals and the plants – they all proceed in their existence in accord with the natural laws governing them. It is only human beings who are unpredictable, able to decide what to create, what to think and how to interact with all other forms of life, as well as with your planet itself.
Thanks to this great gift of free will, human beings have the potential of evolving into creator beings and taking their place amongst the gods in the cosmos. This will be the outcome of the positive use of free will.
But as you know, there has been much interference over the millenniawith the way humanity has evolved. Free will has been used out of greed and self-interest, short-term self-interest, that is, for in the long run self-interest can only really be served by the global working together of all for the health of Gaia, the Earth who supports your life.
With the great shift of the Earth into the Fourth Dimension in 2012, so much light has been beaming onto the Earth that you are all feeling the vastly increased frequency of vibration that you exist in today. Time seems to be speeding up relentlessly for those under stress. Bodies are changing and true healing becomes easy for those who know of the transformed physical body’s powers of regeneration. You, dear ones, manifest your own reality according to how you manifest your thoughts and feelings. 
Never has it been more vital to focus on positive thoughts of love and gratitude. Every day give thanks for your life and acknowledge the role of the Earth and the elements in your existence. Then will you create a reality of healing and blessedness, where everything you need is manifest around you. We cannot think of a better way to end this message than through the beautiful words from the Sanskrit that our dear colleague upon the Earth found among her papers recently.


Look to this day
For it is life,
The very life of life.
In its brief course lie all
The realities and truths of existence,
The joy of growth,
The splendor of action,
The glory of power.
For yesterday is but a memory,
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived
Makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.

Peroptimé-Sandalphon, for the Star Councils of Light, channelled through Amuna Ra,7 August 2014.

CROP CIRCLE MESSAGES FROM THE STARS:  Awakening to Multi-Dimensional Consciousness        …  AVAILABLE NOW! …

This is a book of channelled conversations with the Star Councils of Light about the crop circles around Avebury in the pivotal year of 2012, in full colour with 83 illustrations. They speak of how they were made, of their great wish to help the evolving consciousness of humanity, of the transition the earth was passing through in 2012 and 2013 and how the crop circles helped to heal and balance the earth as it was shifting on its axis. There are teachings and meditations to ease our path in these ongoing times of rapid change and accelerated spiritual development since the Earth entered the 4th Dimension. Also shared is the story of Amuna’s journey of awakening to her star counterpart and to accepting being an emissary of the Star Councils of Light.

To order CROP CIRCLE MESSAGES at £14.99, plus post & packing, email for a PayPal invoice  

Channeller: Amuna Ra
Original site:   . . .  CHANNELLING  through  AMUNA  RA  . . .     

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Comment by Besimi on September 9, 2014 at 2:03am

by Openhand 

The divine Gift of Beingness.
It seems to me so many are trying to figure out exactly why we are here, in this incarnation right now. And in a world of increasing craziness, exactly what are we here to do? How can we help? It's a question that's enough to drive you crazy just thinking about it! So what if the reason for your incarnation could easily be revealed to you from the current circumstances of your life? What if a simple change of perspective on how we create reality could uplift not just you, but everyone around you? What if that's the only truly positive way to change the world... 

The Universal Law of Attraction 

In my perspective on reality, it's not that each of us is here to do a specific thing, although it may at times - for very good reasons - look like that (I'll return to why in a moment). 

To me, practically, everything works according to the Universal Law of Attraction, which in essence means: 

Everything works in the universe according to the configuration of consciousness. Whatever configuration we have inside, is creative and manifests outside of ourselves exactly the mirror we need in order to further unwind, evolve and grow. Our purpose here is to shine our light ever more brightly, to express ever more authentically, to be all that we can be.
By the Law of Attraction, the mirror we create is our perfect tool for fulfilling that destiny.

So to me, our destiny is not something that we do - although we will do many things. Our destiny is all about beingness and unfolding that. 

Simply amazing gifts of beingness 

So the gifts that we are given when we incarnate are amazingly magical gifts of beingness: like compassion, love, joy, interpretation, understanding, empathy, non-judgmental discernment, acceptance, surrender, creativity, catalysis, passion, commitment, focus, motivation, leadership, entreprenuership and the absolute 'Merlin' of pure magic. 

I briefly mention these as words, but each alone is so incredibly bundled with possibility and expression, it is impossible to properly capture their quintessence. You think you've mastered a degree of surrender, then the universe artfully configures some new cliff edge to show you where you've been hanging on. You think you understand how to truly manifest, the universe shows you a whole new box of tricks. Such gifts of beingess have endless expression - simply endless! 

It seems to me, from copious exploration both in this life and many others, that the universe works tirelessly with its infinite palette of power to make one key thing happen (although in infinitely different ways). That is: 

To provide continually updating, evolving, morphing and changing vehicles such that we can each express one or more of these gifts - to enable the gifts to truly sing. 

By the word 'vehicle' I mean a situation, event, occurrence or experience. It could be a relationship with a particular configuration for example that pushes all of your buttons. Why? So in experiencing your tightness you can confront it, evolve and grow beyond it. Or it could be a life-threatening or seriously debilitating illness that you just can't seem to cure. Why? So that you have the perfect situation to experience yourself and know yourself as something beyond merely physical. 

Mirror mirror on the wall 

Many people look into the outside world for their destiny not realising they're already creating it! As the Oracle says to Neo in the film The Matrix... "you're not here to make a choice, you've already made the choice, you're here to figure out why you made the choice." 

So if we can pause for a moment and reflect on exactly why we've created the circumstances we're now in, then we'd realise we're being offered vital clues for how to proceed... 

The external mirror is showing us two things: both our distortions and our magical gifts of beingness. If we can accept the distortions, not need them to go away, but explore who we are through them, then what happens is we tend to drop into the Void of Infinite Potential and from there, we touch a magical gift of beingness which is being reflected in the outside mirror. Then all we have to do is to attune to that gift to have the most incredible creative impact.

The Divine Paradox of Manifestation 

The divine paradox is, that when we're in this place, we create exactly what we need in that moment, including all the necessary resources to fulfill our destiny - an expression of beingness 

Many people and spiritual teachings I've encountered, come at it the other way around: they try to manifest the outcome first. To me, this is like the tail wagging the dog. Actually you may get some initial success, because reality bends and warps around you if you focus hard enough. But all you do is create an eddy current of distortion around you - an eddy current which is inescapably connected to the entirety of the flow. So in effect, over time, you summon the entirety of the flow to unwind your 'eddy current' - your manifestation. 

Why not instead, simply hook up to the flow and have it express through you? Then you unleash the maximum creative potential of the universe through your being. You simply can't fail; your creations are in alignment. What could be better? 

Building the flow 

So if we can stop struggling to make a choice of what to do, and instead figure out what's our highest expression in this moment, then what will happen, is that the universe will use its full unfettered power to support that gift of beingness in some way. In which case, we simply don't need to figure out what it is that we're here to do, because that will happen as a natural expression of what we're being. 

What I've discovered, is that if I always come from beingess, if I always expand into my distortions and make space for the gift to arise and sing, then my life seems to be magically guided on a path - more a flow actually - which the more I align with, the more I give myself to, the stronger and stronger it gets. It feels like being swept along in a magically creative torrent. 

I don't determine which way the torrent is going, what it is here to do, but I notice it has a consistency and pattern to it. I could say I'm being a coach, or a teacher, or a facilitator, but in actual fact, whatever I end up doing, I'm just being me, and I observe this encourages others to be them. Then I laugh inwardly to myself: is there really anything else going on! 

Right Action: the only truly authentic choice 

It's so often the case, in the Openhand Facilitation we do, people are trying to figure out what choice to make in the outside world. Why am I here? What's is the purpose of my incarnation? They're often struggling to do 'this' or 'that'. Sometimes they're creating so much internal stress around the decision it's practically driving them crazy. 

To me, it's about finding "Right Action" - that which is aligned with the universal flow: 

"Forget about needing to make a choice. Your higher consciousness has already chosen.
Instead look first for the blockages you can expose, accept, expand into and let go of.
Then, above all, look for the gift of beingness that is wanting to come through you right now.
Look for it, feel it, embrace it, attune to it, give it wings and let it sing through you.
Then Right Action will happen all by itself."

If you can do that, you'll truly change not only your world, but the wider one. There simply is no other authentic way. 

Comment by Besimi on September 9, 2014 at 2:02am

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Emergency Terror Alert and Cabalist Grande Lander / General Electric Exposed?????

{ what do you think abt this ?}

Emergency Terror Alert and Grande Lander Cabalist  /  General Electric Exposed

By The Keenan Team

Video Highlights:

> Emergency Alert

An alert has been issued by the FBI and DHS about an imminent terrorist attack.

The areas of highest probability for attack are:

>  Greater Southwest areas of the U.S.

>  El Paso, TX

>  Las Cruces, NM

>  Tucson, Phoenix and Yuma, AZ

>  San Diego and the greater Los Angeles area, CA

This has been confirmed by local law enforcement on the NCIC DHS database system.  For those who live in or around these areas, please be prepared with emergency evacuation plans that use other than the main highways, with rally points to staging areas where help can be given to patriots at other rally points.

Any new intel will be conveyed immediately when it is received.  It is hoped with this information now being out in the open that the cabal’s devastating plans will be thwarted.

> Grande Lander is General Electric (GE)

It has been discovered and verified that Grande Lander’s lie-filled blog has been traced to the General Electric Corporation in Fairfield, CT.  Yes, GE, the criminal American corporation that pays zero U.S. taxes and sends all their jobs overseas,  jobs that should rightfully be for Americans.  GE, the cabal corporation with the ultimate hypocrisy in their slogan — they absolutely do not bring good things to life.

You’re busted Lander, and so are your cabal cronies working with you:  Dimce Giorgief (Rumormill News), Tom Simms (who writes for Jean Haines), BK Lim (Kuala Lumpur), Jason Leeuing (female), and Denise Rednour (the Drake turncoat we all know and love to hate).  Know their names – all are traitors doing the bidding of the globalist cabal.

> Neil addresses Jean Haines’ issues – the letter from Drake Bailey, her attempts to blackmail a member of our Team, and her vicious, erroneous attacks on the King of Hawaii and S.C. Chiang, aka Count Albert.

> Note:  The King of Hawaii, HM King Edmund Keli’i, will be featured on RT (Russian Today, the Russian-based international cable and satellite television channel) on September 9th at 9PM (please check RT’s schedule for your local time).

> Egbert Sousé  – Lander started his recent cabal blog with a comment originally posted by Egbert Sousé on our website, thus making it appear that Mr. Sousé had posted all of the information that followed.  He did not.  Mr. Sousé’s intent was to share some of his information and experience, but his comment was certainly not intended to be included as any part of this corrupt blog.  Since communicating with Mr. Sousé directly, Neil discovered that he is an 87-year-old, highly intelligent gentleman of worldly experience.  With Neil presently being on a close and personal basis with the Thai family, the information he has provided is current and accurate.

> Edy Seno, a good friend of Neil’s, was also mentioned on Lander’s blog regarding a Cease & Desist that he supposed signed while in the hospital.  While the facts around this C&E were dispelled some time ago, Lander featured the story once again, omitting the facts, including that the document did not have Mr. Seno thumb print which makes it official.

> Inchul once again joins the Team in Jakarta – welcome back!


Video Part One

Copyright © 2014, GROUP K, Ltd.

Views: 29

Comment by Besimi on September 4, 2014 at 1:19am

Food as Medicine: How One Hospital Is Using Organic Produce to Help Heal Patients

In 431 B.C. Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

More than 2500 years later, we are inundated with advertisements boasting the latest, greatest cure-all super drug. From a young age, we learn that it doesn’t matter how or what we eat, there is a quick fix around the corner for whatever ails us—whether we’re obese, have high blood pressure or bad cholesterol—just to name a few of the issues plaguing our society.

rodaleorganicfarmA sign directs visitors and patients to the St. Luke’s Rodale Institute Organic Farm, adjacent to the hospital. Photo credit: Bill Noll

It now seems almost revolutionary to think that we can change our health by changing the food we eat.

But, one hospital in Pennsylvania thought just that.

In 2014, Rodale Institute, in partnership with St. Luke’s University Health Network, launched a true farm to hospital food program.

The Anderson Campus at St. Luke’s has more than 300 acres of farmland, much of which had historically been farmed conventionally with crops like corn and soy. The hospital administration recognized the impact that providing fresh, local organic produce could have on patient health and approached Rodale Institute to transition the land to organic and farm vegetables to be used in patient meals as well as in the cafeteria.

rodalefarm1The five acre farm at the St. Luke’s Anderson campus in Bethlehem, PA. Photo credit: Bill Noll

Lynn Trizna, or Farmer Lynn, as she’s known around St. Luke’s, provides food to all six hospitals within the network. This year, she is growing five acres of vegetables with plans to expand to ten acres in 2015. She estimates about 44,000 lbs of produce from her farm will be served in the hospital, just this season. She is paid a salary through Rodale Institute and has employed three staff members, all aspiring farmers.

rodalefarm2Farmer Lynn Trizna. Photo credit: Bill Noll

With a three-year plan in place, Rodale Institute and St. Luke’s see the potential for expansion. We envision growing the program to include fifteen to twenty farmers—supporting new farmers who don’t have access to land; greenhouses that allow for year round production of produce; and a small batch cannery, ensuring that we can enjoy the harvest, even in the coldest months of winter.

We have created this model with the belief that it can, and should, be replicated at every hospital throughout the U.S.

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit under the weather, stop—think of us and Hippocrates’ words of wisdom. Maybe you’ll then look to the garden for a cure, instead of the medicine cabinet.

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Comment by Besimi on September 4, 2014 at 1:16am

By Joshua Eagle

In order for us to tap into our deepest states of intuition, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment, it is necessary to unlock and activate our brain’s Pineal Gland.Commonly referred to by ancient cultures and mystics as “the third eye,” our pineal gland sits in the center of our brain between our right and left hemispheres and is responsible for producing neurotransmitters such asserotonin and melatonin.

Yet, the pineal gland wasn’t bestowed the name “third eye” for just any random reason. Rather, when dissected from the brain, it is found that the pineal gland actually contains photoreceptors just like our own two seeing eyes and is actually activated by light transmitted through our two eyes. This sunlight transmitted through our eyes stimulates the pineal gland’s production of serotonin and further works to strengthen the gland’s ability to break free of specific harmful chemicals that can encrust it. As well, the pineal gland is also stimulated by darkness, in which the gland responds by producing melatonin to help induce us into sleep.

Sun -> Serotonin Moon -> Melatonin

How to decalcify and detoxify your pineal gland

As a result of our natural biological make up, the pineal gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier and therefore does not have an extra line of defense against harmful toxins that enter the bloodstream. Specific toxins, such as synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium, are specifically shown to have an affinity for the pineal gland, weakening its abilities to produce our neurotransmitters and receive photons of light from the sun, moon and stars.

However, it is important to distinguish the difference between synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium versus organic fluoride and organic calcium. If received from plant sources, such as vegetables and other organic foods, calcium and fluoride are healthy essential minerals. Yet, when fluoride and calcium are synthetically manufactured through industrial processing and added to tap water, vitamin supplements, toothpastes, fortified cereals and various other products,these synthetic minerals are shown to have detrimental affects to the pineal gland as well as numerous other organs of the body.

Before beginning to activate one’s pineal gland, it is to necessary to remove the toxic chemicals that prevent it from working, such as synthetic fluoride, synthetic calcium, pharmaceutical medications and other toxins mentioned above. If you are drinking tap water, then look to replace this with purer and safer options, such asnatural spring water, well water, reverse osmosis water, or carbon-filtered water. From there, one can work toremove any vitamin supplements, mineral fortified foods and toothpastes containing added fluoride or calcium. Last but not least, one can take five minutes out of their day to install a carbon shower filter which works to remove chlorine, fluoride, used toilet paper particles and other impurities from tap water that can enter our bodies through the skin, pores and lungs when we shower.

How to activate your pineal gland

After one has begun removing the impurities that prevent the pineal gland from being activated, they can start implementing practices that work to stimulate and grow their pineal gland’s functioning and abilities. A great practice that one can do throughout their life is that ofmeditating. The act of meditating works to stimulate the chakra system of our brain and body that’s responsible for conducting and generating life-force energy. Meditating specifically guides bioelectric and zero-point energy to the pineal gland allowing for greater states of clarity and intuition to come into our conscious life.

After meditation, a more advanced exercise modality which works to activate the pineal gland as well as all of the body’s chakra points is that of Kundalini Yoga. TheKundalini which rests coiled in the lowest chakra of our spine is a transducer of energy which rises farther up the spine through the practice until finally reaching the pineal gland/third eye chakra. Upon activating the Kundalini and growing its pathway to the pineal gland, one is able to merge the photon celestial energy of the sun and cosmos with that of the physical body which roots to the Earth. Being that the bones of our skeletal system are technically piezoelectric crystals at the core, the Kundalini energy rises and flows through the crystal bones of the spine, activating the 33 vertebrae points one by one until reaching the crown and pineal gland energy points at the top levels of the upper spine.

Nutrition for your pineal gland

In the food category, numerous options are available foraccelerating and detoxifying our brain’s pineal gland. As a foundation, one should look to comprise the percentage of foods in their diet to a highest degree oforganic plants and animals as possible. Eating organic adds a buffer to protect oneself from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s and other harmful chemical laden substances that can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Foods that specifically support and activate the pineal gland are tumeric (tea and raw), cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, wild harvested spring water, reishi mushroom tea, grass juices, beets, apple cider vinegar and others. Supplements one can use to help detoxify and activate the pineal gland are zeolite tinctures, bentonite clay, organic MSM powder and ormus gold.

Begin activating your pineal gland today and tap into levels of your higher self that lay dormant, calling to be awakened.

About the author: Joshua Eagle is a Holistic Health Coach specializing in immune system revitalization, detoxification, weight loss, mind ascension and longevity. After a decade of studying health through various modalities he recieved formal training from the Institute for Intergrative Nutrition as well as The Body Mind Institute where he studied under various Naturopaths, Nutritionists and healers of various holistic health systems. Visit Josh at

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