Your Roles as the Ground Crew, Lightworkers, and Gridworkers
The 9D Arcturian Council
Through Daniel Scranton
+ We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to observe the many ways in which you humans there on Earth are coming to a new understanding of who you are and how you are creating the realities that you experience. We see you coming to new conclusions, able to sort out the various ways in which you have been operating at a particular vibration, and we see you making the necessary course corrections.
We are talking, of course, you who we refer to as The Awakened Collective, because you are the ones who are doing the majority of the heavy lifting for the rest of the human collective. Now, where you go next with this will tell the tale of the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension. You can feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, like it is all up to you, and like you have very little help there in the physical realm, or you can recognize the help that is all around you, coming from physical and nonphysical beings in the higher dimensional realms.
We are all seeking to be of service, to help humanity grow and expand in your consciousness evolution, and we make ourselves continuously available to you for whatever help you might need. Therefore, we invite you to see yourselves as the ground crew, see yourselves as the ones who have taken it upon yourselves to ground in the higher frequency energies, making them available to the rest of the collective. We invite you to see yourselves as the lightworkers and gridworkers there on planet Earth, making it easier for everyone else to ascend with you.+++
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