You Suffer Only Your Memory
By Mwendwa Mbaabu world as we know it is not real but remembered. It is memory. Who you think you are, is not essentially real, but remembered and accepted moment by moment. We mainly suffer from memory and mental assumptions, and not reality. When you sleep at night, the world sleeps with you, there is no suffering and stories in deep sleep, yet your sense of being remains.
Upon waking, immediately, there is only the sense of BEING or I AM without conditioning. And then memory sets in and the world as it is known to you is remembered, and picked up, along with all its problems, identities, and associations. You wear all the identities, problems, resentments, and judgments again as you do your physical clothes.
Memory does not exist in the NOW
If you didn’t attach your sense of I AM to what you remember you wouldn’t suffer. If you chose not to carry these mental burdens, and simply be in the NOW with innocent perception and observation, you wouldn’t suffer. Problems only live in the mind, not reality. Reality is always perfect without the stories we tell ourselves...
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