Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You’re In a Vortex. And YOU Created It.

You’re In a Vortex. And YOU Created It.


This is Judith. YES, the energy has become incredibly intense and is moving very, very fast! What I am “getting” (living,actually) is that it is a vortex. We are all generating vortices right NOW.  Since none of our frequencies are exactly the same, what yours feels like to you, I don’t know. All I do know is that YOU are the generator.

In whatever way you are feeling, hearing, or otherwise experiencing YOUR vortex… with all my human heart, I hope you remember that it is made of your own energy!
My heart hopes you remember that it cannot BE otherwise,because the universe cannot BRING us anything that is NOT in resonance with our own frequencies!

My heart feels the longing of all of our souls to finally remember that WE ARE SOVEREIGN.  

White Heart in pink sky

REMEMBER! Choose how you wish to create YOUR vortex consciously.(And remember the Laws of Energy! And remember what RESISTANCE does!)

I love you. Always and in All Ways.

OMIGOD… the love that is pouring out of me… is also from the celestial team.

What a vortex, Beloved!


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Copyright©2016, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

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