Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You’re a Newbie Life Tapestry Creations Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

You’re a Newbie
Life Tapestry Creations
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

It’s time to forgive yourself. Although you have likely read something similar elsewhere and felt guilty for not forgiving yourself.

What you feel guilty about most likely occurred in your former 3D life and world. You have been punishing yourself for thoughts, words, and actions that happened before you initiated your new being.

What was is no more.

If you are punishing yourself for something that happened after you initiated your transition, you are doing so because you continue to follow the rights and wrongs of the 3D world.

You cannot create a new world with new energies based on what was.

You are stepping into your new adulthood with tentative steps fearing you might make a mistake. Like a 3D teenager, you fear that one slip of your tongue or one wrong action will negatively impact your life forever. Or that you will ruin a special moment with your unsure steps into your new world. Thoughts that are holdovers from your 3D life.

But just as you do not hold an infant’s actions against them as they evolve, nothing you do or say is wrong. You are learning to be you. The end result will be....+

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