Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

“You must always work with Mother Nature. Force is never necessary. The laws of the physical universe are really very simple.” — Ralph Ring

From out of the past
comes the re-birthing of our true heritage:

Free and Abundant Energy
forever, for All Mankind.

Our continuing endeavor is to re-introduce a better and safer form of transportation and habitation.

Blue Star Enterprise in devoted and dedicated to bringing about a more peaceful, expedient and affordable way of life through the use of Alternative Energy.

Who is Ralph Ring?

Video Interviews
July 18 2008:

“Cease and desist your operations… We’re terminating your project due to the threats it poses to the international monetary system.”

The best interview yet validating the fact that since the second world war we do indeed have free energy in multiple formats. Especially the lines from General Motors telling them that if they launched an antigravity vehicle “we’ll shoot them down.” Blatant evidence of what Eisenhower called the encroaching military industrial complex – primarily founded by the British and US after WWII when Nazi scientists were brough over and placed in multiple positions via Operation Paperclip.

“Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks which worked… prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.” —from Project Camelot

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