Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You most courageously and lovingly chose to experience life in form yet again

You most courageously and lovingly chose to experience life in form yet again

You all incarnated with the intent to BE; to be loving all of humanity

Saul (of Tarsus ~ Paul) 

Channel: John Smallman

Post on March 13, 2023
As your collective awakening draws ever closer – yes, I know you are getting tired of hearing me talk so frequently of its imminence! – continue to hold, share, and extend the Love that each of you are just by being.  There is no need to do anything, although if any of you are intuitively guided – NOT egotistically driven – to be activists...


Tags: collective awakening, draws closer, experience life, intent, intuitively guided, john smallman, life in form, love, lovingly, most courageously, paul, peace, saul, saul of tarsus

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