You are to awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself
A Message from Jesus (Isa/Sananda)
Through John Smallman
We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love. All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One. There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING!
Life and Love are your eternal state of existence, it is just that as humans in form, enveloped in a brief dream or, perhaps, a nightmare, you are asleep to and unaware of Reality. That is changing very rapidly, as the human collective stirs in its sleep prior to awakening into the glory of just BEING! Being is pure awareness, fully aware of All without interruption or distraction. It is knowing Itself and All of creation intimately – persistently, perpetually, ceaselessly – because that is infinite awareness, the constant flowing and flowering of Love caring for and extending Itself in all-embracing joyous acceptance of the magnificence and brilliance that It is.M/F/G, Love, Source, All, Being, is One in an infinite, essential, and indispensable state of Beingness, forever expanding the awareness and consciousness that is All that exists.
Every sentient, conscious, and aware being is eternally connected and interwoven into what many call God. It is the infinite creative expression from which they all extend, mix, and interact for the total and complete joyful bliss that is that is. There, in that Oneness, there is only and eternally infinite...+
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