Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You are The Way-Showers, an important message for you to take

You are The Way-Showers, an important message for you to take

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

 Posted on April 14, 2022

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you!

One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna is here. And we will begin your question and answer time in just a moment. But we need to share this with you: it is important for you to take this message that has been given, and to share it with everyone that you can, anyone that has an inkling of opening up to the higher truths within them, and who begins to understand that there is so much more than what they have been told. Anyone that is in that beginning awakening process, or has already begun the awakening and is moving further along, share this message with them. Let it go out across your internet to everywhere that it can. But do not become concerned with the results here. Let the Universe provide here, as it would need to do. And understand that you are those messengers, those Messengers of Light.

You are The Way-Showers, as you have heard, and certainly the System-Busters. Because just in your refusing to comply to those edicts, those mandates coming from your government, you have been spreading the Light and opening up more and more people’s eyes and ears to see and hear just by your not complying. And that is important for you to continue to do, because you cannot be a part of the system, and break the system at the same time. It does not happen. You must find yourself more and more beyond the system.

Now that does not mean to leave the system. It means to move beyond it. To be aware of the system as it is, but not become a part of it. Not allow the attachment to it. And more and more of you are doing that....>>>

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