Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You are the Beloved Children of God A Message from Jesus (Isa/Sananda) Through John Smallman

You are the Beloved Children of God
A Message from Jesus (Isa/Sananda)
Through John Smallman

All are One, there is only One. You, each and every one of you are One with the One. It is that simple. The divisiveness and separation that you experience as humans in form is extremely confusing for you because, for the brief moment that you spend in form, experiencing the pain and suffering of separation, that state of separation appears to your human senses to be very Real. It is NOT! Reality is One, and the sense of separation that you are all experiencing is completely unreal.

The One in Whom you all have your eternal existence is Consciousness, the Effusion of life that flows through your human bodies, the infinite field of energy in which all of Creation, which is God, which is infinite loving Wisdom, or, if you prefer, Love is forever extending Itself in glorious harmony for the joy of All. Every sentient being – every one of you without any exceptions whatsoever – has its eternal existence within (there is no outside to It) this divine Embrace. It is truly impossible to describe It in words, because It is unnameable, or in pictures, because It is beyond vision, or in music, because It is beyond sound. It just IS, and so are everyone of you. When you awaken, as you are now in the process of doing, the wonder of that fully awake and fully aware state – your natural and eternal state of being with myriad senses available to you for your delight and delectation – will ceaselessly amaze you as you are once more fully consciously aware of and experiencing the constantly unfolding joy that is the One, that is You.

You are the beloved children of God, forever inseparably in Her Presence, the only ‘place’ that you could ever be. That you have forgotten this, and are unaware ofit is the reason for all your conflicts and all your suffering. It appears to you that this has been an ongoing experience lasting eons, involving many lifetimes in form, but in truth, as you will realize when you awaken, it has been but momentary, fleeting. The choice to engage with the unreal state of form was one that you made in a very brief moment of confusion about your relationship with Oneness. Because, as the One child of God with Whom She shares her infinite creative powers, you have all the Power that She has and is, you thus constructed that unreal state instantly....+@

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