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Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up Hot EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News Worldwide Financial Ponzi Scheme Collapses
International Intelligence ExpertAlex Jones Fingered Proceed with Revolutionary Mode by Tom Heneghan Sunday May 9, 2010 UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the unprecedented volatility that swept through the world financial markets last Thursday and Friday mirrors a global credit and liquidity crisis that is, once again, tied to the TRILLIONS of dollars of toxic assets aka credit default swap derivatives that still remain on the books of many worldwide financial institutions. These credit default swaps are nothing more than bond redemptions tied to the value of commercial real estate with the counter party to the derivatives being none other than the noted criminal brokerage firms aka banks, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase. The problem is there is no liquidity aka real currency in the European, Greek and, yes, U.S. banking institutions to pay the aforementioned counter parties. No one wants to buy any bonds based on crossed collateralized derivatives aka toxic assets. In simple terms, folks, what this all means is the book maker does not have the money to pay off the bettor and the bettor does not have the money to pay off the book maker. We are right back to where we were in September of 2008 with the PONZI SCHEME of U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner collapsing like the PONZI SCHEME of BushFRAUD's Treasury Secretary Henry (Hank) Paulson, which also collapsed. The difference this time, folks, is that another massive 'bail out' is virtually impossible without printing counterfeit currency. Note: We hear the North Korean printing press, which specializes in printing counterfeit currency, may be active soon. Word has it the North Korean submarine made it back to Cuba successfully. We can now also divulge that U.S. based Citibank, (along with the Saudi Royal Family), the Bank of Japan, the Royal Bank of Scotland, along with the German Deutsche Bank, face major derivative exposure on both sides of the carousel aka the collapsing PONZI SCHEME. Last Thursday, on May 6, 2010, all four banks received massive margin calls levied against them by major U.S. security and commodity exchanges. We can now divulge that Robert Rubin's Citibank established a short sale of Proctor and Gamble stock, with the full knowledge on May 5, 2010 of Proctor and Gamble's CEO Robert McDonald, as a vehicle to accumulate cash to meet the margin calls for themselves and the aforementioned banks. However, there was no real cash or collateral aka actual stock holdings behind this short sale. We can now report that Citibank used false collateralization aka worthless toxic derivatives that were actually marked up with the assistance of the crooked Federal Reserve to establish this bogus trade. There was no real buying or selling tied to this BILLION dollar electronic fraud but instead an electronic entry based on a three-second lead time with the electronic entry aka the bogus trade made from a secret J. P. Morgan trading platform located in Karachi, Pakistan. In other words, folks, what we have here is a massive electronic PONZI SCHEME orchestrated by Citibank, Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan Chase, the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its Federal Reserve enablers. Note: We can now see why the Federal Reserve does not want to be audited or have the secret audit already conducted on the Federal Reserve released to Congress or the American Public.
President Obama conspiring with Mitch McConnellGetty images We can now reveal that President Barack Obama and sexual deviate, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are doing their best utilizing blackmail and bribery to keep the Federal Reserve audit secret. Again, we want to focus on the massive volatility that took place in the U.S. stocks, commodities and currency exchanges last week. This volatility started with the Citibank electronic financial 'black op' that created unprecedented moves in the silver, gold, crude oil, Japanese yen and, yes, Proctor and Gamble stock. This unprecedented volatility allowed electronic market makers aka PONZI SCHEME croupiers to mark up the time value of both put and call options on both sides of the stock and commodity markets aka the PONZI SCHEME carousel. So this Citibank electronic fraud, which created this unprecedented volatility, allowed the aforementioned banks under margin call to mark up the value of their toxic assets aka their credit default swaps, as to allegedly balance their books. The problem is, folks, as of close of business Friday, there is no real cash or liquidity in the bond market to allow either side of the PONZI SCHEME carousel to square their position. Note: It is impossible to square your positions when no real buying or selling actually took place. The SEC (Security and Exchanges Commission) now has a problem in allowing major stock or commodity exchanges to open for business Monday given the questions that remain unanswered [as is our practice we answer the questions for you] concerning the major, massive electronic fraud that took place in the major stock and commodity exchanges last week. P.S. The alleged terrorist plot in New York City revealed over the weekend aka the alleged Pakistani SUV bomber is nothing more than another FBI Division 5-Israeli Mossad FALSE FLAG designed to change the subject and disguise the massive financial fraud that is still taking place in New York City on major financial exchanges. Rumor has it that White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel (whose father was a terrorist) is plotting a "FALSE FLAG" in Chicago given reports that the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is broke! Remember, folks, there is NO war on terror. There NEVER was a war on terror. There was an operational financial war declared on the American People to destroy the U.S. Constitution, LOOT the U.S. Treasury (enabled by the 9/11 'black op' and the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act), destroy the U.S. electoral process (began with the year 2000 presidential election coup d'état), levy UN-Constitutional taxes in perpetuity, illegally spy on the American People indefinitely, throw us out of work, and eventually pave the way for martial law. Item: Given the extent of the financial crisis, President Barack Obama has spent the entire weekend discussing contingency plans with both FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to implement 'Martial Law' in the United States -- all of this to be triggered by another 'FALSE FLAG' terrorist scare or attack. P.P.S. We can now divulge that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is conspiring with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to seal a New York Federal Grand Jury indictment that has been handed down against former Federal Reserve Chairman and noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate bagman, Alan Greenspan. Greenspan has been indicted for illegally authorizing transfer of U.S. Treasury funds to offshore U.S. proprietary security accounts. The funds, minus the commissions and set asides, were then laundered back into the United States using Stephen Friedman's Federal Reserve Bank of New York and both the London and New York offices of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme as a disguise. Note: The commissions aka set asides parked in the secret proprietaries were then used to set up secret accounts for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate as well as their political and U.S. media enablers. Noted individuals with secret accounts, along with the Bushes and the Clintons, include former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, current U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch, R-UT, "Skull and Bonesman" John Kerry, D-MA, Mitch McConnell, R-KY and U.S. Representative Barney Frank, D-MA and John McCain, R-AZ. Media types with secret accounts include noted FBI Division 5 operative Tom Brokaw of NBC News, George Stephanopolous of ABC News, as well as noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate mouthpieces, formerly of CNN now with Bloomberg News, Al Hunt, his wife Judy Woodruff, and Kate O'Beirne. Al Hunt, Judy Woodruff and Kate O"Beirne, former members of CNN's Capitol Gang, were all well paid to engage in vicious anti-Al Gore pro George W. BushFRAUD propaganda during the year 2000 presidential election. In closing, on a personal note, let me make it clear that Alex Jones, noted internet radio host, is a fraud and a direct enabler of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate. Alex Jones (L) and Morris Dees, founder Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Jones, who voted in the year 2000 presidential election for election-stealing, nation wrecking, Constitution shredding, cocaine snorting, U.S. Treasury embezzling, AWOL, homosexual in-the-closet, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, is funded DIRECTLY by the Israeli Mossad linked Bronfman Family and, for years has operated directly with noted FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO stooge Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to actually use his show to help Dees identify American Patriots and then have homosexual in-the-closet and pedophile Morris Dees falsely classify them as domestic terrorists. Alex Jones attorney, Elizabeth Schurig, is part of a pro ZIONIST organization, Bet Lev Foundation, that specializes in attacking "9/11 Truthers" who have fingered the Israeli Mossad's link to 9/11. Alex Jones' attorney, Schurig, is also linked to former BushFRAUD Solicitor General Ted Olson -- the same Ted Olson who helped orchestrate the year 2000 presidential election coup d'état, including the bribery of the "Gang of Five" on the U.S Supreme Court, directed against then Vice President now year 2000 duly elected year President Albert Gore Jr. Jones' attorney Schurig, along with homosexual in-the-closest Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, is also linked to a major Republican Party fundraising foundation called FreedomWorks. Its fundraising is backed directly by the Israeli Mossad controlled Bronfman Family. Alex Jones and Lord Monckton Jones has constantly promoted alleged science expert British Lord Monckton on his internet radio talk show. Monckton specializes in being super critical of former Vice President now year 2000 duly elected year President Albert Gore Jr. on the global warming issue. We can now see folks why Alex Jones does not like Al Gore. When it comes to Lord Monckton, who is, of course, British, not American, the alleged Lord is a pedophile and his anti-Al Gore global warming diatribes are funded directly by the Israeli Mossad controlled Bronfman family and none other than British Petroleum (BP), who just recently wrecked the entire U.S. Gulf Coast. Note: Maybe British Petroleum should hire Alex Jones and Lord Monckton to help clean up the oil spill. Remember, folks, Alex Jones is from the treasonous state of Texas that gave us George W. BushFRAUD and which has recently banned the writings of America's greatest Founding Father and Patriot, Thomas Jefferson, and replaced them with religious fanatic John Calvin. The state of Texas wants to live under the Old Testament. Let us make it clear: The American People want to live under the U.S. Constitution. Alex Jones, Lord Monckton and Timothy White Both Alex Jones and Lord Monckton are also in daily communication with FBI Division 5 cross-dresser, neo-Nazi, religious fanatic and would be assassin Timothy White. Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing in which we will have an update on the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, including how the $27.5 TRILLION due the U.S. and French Treasuries has actually been lost in illegal trading programs conducted by the criminal U.S. Federal Reserve. ... At this hour, we live free or die as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born President of the United States.
TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions. |
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