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Why the Trump vs Clinton Election is a Complete Sham
September 22, 2016
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On one side: A billionaire accused of racism and xenophobia. On the other: A puppet completely sold to the world elite. And in the middle, voters who wonder why their democracy is forcing them to choose between two terrible options.
I am sometimes asked why I write mostly about popular culture when I could focus on “more important” issues such as the presidential election. The short answer? Presidential elections are not important. At the risk of sounding like an old cynic: The game is rigged. No matter who is in office, the same agenda moves forward, and that agenda is set by people who stay far away from anything resembling a democratic process. For this reason, presidential elections are nothing more than gigantic puppet shows intended for a gigantic audience. While the masses are dazzled by the puppets’ crazy antics, only a few pay attention to the actual puppet-masters. Whether it is the Democrats or the Republicans in the White House, the same shadow government is behind the scenes, advancing policy laid out by the world elite.
Presidential elections, along with the media circus that surrounds them, are not a “democratic process”. They are a facade with little to no substance. Some issues are allowed to be discussed while others are totally ignored. This year’s election is no different. The agenda is already set and the candidates are each playing their role. While they appear to be in sharp opposition on various topics, the candidates are actually part of the same team.
The Clintons were guests at Trump's third wedding in January 2005.
The Clintons as guests at Trump’s wedding in January 2005.
Trump and Clinton at the Trump National Golf Club in 2008.
Trump and Clinton at the Trump National Golf Club in 2008.
The way people get riled up for their candidates, yelling ridiculous slogans and insulting their opponents, is reminiscent of the crowd of a wrestling match – where both wrestlers are getting their plays and their paycheck from the same boss. Trump knows something about that.
Trump at WrestleMania 23 in 2007.
Trump at WrestleMania 23 in 2007.
Some say Trump is different: “He’s an outsider and he’s gonna change things!” Trump is indeed something of a loose canon – and that’s exactly what “they” want. He is basically a political kamikaze who is meant to ultimately crash and burn. Meanwhile, Hillary is presented as the candidate by default, an unpopular career politician who is there because “it’s her turn”. This is the sham that is the 2016 election.
The 2016 Agenda: Terror and Forced Immigration
A quick look at the headlines around the world over the past few years reveals a strong recurrent theme: Terror and forced immigration. This agenda has been forced onto most Western countries and has been a hot topic in everyone of them. This inevitably resulted in fear, tension, division … a perfect cocktail to justify more repression.
Indeed, for the past few years the elite’s global agenda has been particularly gruesome. First, it allowed the creation of ISIS in order cause terror, division, and mayhem in the Middle East. Then that terror and violence was “exported” to the Western world through countless terror attacks (read my article entitled ISIS : A CIA Creation to Justify War Abroad and Repression at Home for more information).
Meanwhile, a “we must accept refugees” agenda swept through the Europe and America, resulting in the rapid migration of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees affected by the violence. Here’s a simple equation: Migration + Terror = Fear, Anger, Tension, and Panic. The resulting chaos and uncertainty is exactly the climate “they” are looking to create.
The elite’s motto is Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of Chaos). With this as their guiding purpose, the elite is intentionally looking to bring chaos to countries in order to justify serious repression. The “we must accept refugees” movement that took over the West did not spawn spontaneously out of nowhere. It is the result of pressure from an extremely powerful person and organization: George Soros and his Open Society Foundations.
George Soros and the Open Society Foundations
George Soros
In 2015, several Western countries accepted an unprecedented amount of Syrian refugees in a process that was rushed, unpopular, and somewhat improvised. This primarily affected Germany (100,000 migrants), Sweden (65,000), United Kingdom (7,000), and France (7,000), along with Hungary, Denmark, Canada and Australia. This concerted effort was pushed from the same source, the Open Society Foundations. And the billionaire behind it all is George Soros, the man who “broke the bank of London”.
As I wrote in my 2011 article entitled: George Soros: Working for World Government and World Currency:
George Soros is a Hungarian-American financier, a prominent member of the world’s elite, who is an important actor in the shaping of a New World Order. This former member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has supported and funded numerous organizations and policies enabling globalization. He has funded Obama’s campaign and regularly visits the White House to ensure that his policies are being followed.
Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) has been a powerful force pushing mass immigration across the world. In a memo leaked in May 2016, the OSF applauded its influence on world immigration policies (you can read the full memo here):
A nine-page memo entitled, “Migration Governance and Enforcement,” provides insight into how the NGO has influenced immigration policy on a global scale.
“The current refugee crisis is creating space to reconsider the governance of migration and the international refugee regime,” states the report, adding that the group’s ambitions include to “strengthen norm-setting” of immigration and to “more effectively protect the rights of migrants.”
“We aimed to prevent the violation of migrants’ rights by minimizing harsh border controls and decreasing the widespread use of detention and deportation,” the OSF report admits.
“We deliberately avoided the term ‘global governance’ because there is no single system at the global level for managing migration,” states the report prepared by Soros operatives Anna Crowley and Kate Rosin.
The leaked memo also makes it clear the NGO views the migrant crisis as an opportunity to expand its globalist agenda.
“As our aspirations have evolved, our targets have shifted from harm reduction to more proactive solutions-based policy influencing,” states the report.
“The current climate presents new opportunities for reforming migration governance at the global level, whether through the existing multi-lateral system, or by bringing together a range of actors to think more innovatively.”
The report also discusses failures to capitalize on opportunities to spur “grassroots level” support for migration and funding issues, but says “Therefugee crisis is opening new opportunities for this.”
The leaked report also laments the “rise of the radical right,” and says immigration advocates’ “traditional arguments are not working,”however, the NGO is “experimenting with framings and argumentation, both at elite and popular levels.”
Rather than working out ways to stem the migrant flow, the report instead insists nations including those in Europe and the Mediterranean should accept the “current crisis as the new normal” and look ahead to long-term planning solutions.
“There is a need to create more space for reflection, stock-taking and development of mid- and longer-term strategies.”
– The Daily Caller, “Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence”
Merkel’s unpopular “open doors” policy and similar programs across the world are a direct result of Soros’ efforts. Don’t be fooled: Soros’ organization is not promoting immigration out of compassion. The hurried, unfiltered flow of undocumented immigrants is known to lead to slavery, prostitution, criminality and child abuse. Instead of integrating immigrants in a proper manner, allowing them to become full-fledged naturalized citizens, the current refugee process allows the creation of a second class of citizens that is vulnerable and prone to abuse.
While this is happening, horrific terror attacks are occurring across Europe (whether they are False Flag operations or not). Naturally, this has caused many people to say: “Maybe we should be careful about who enters our country.”
In the United States, Soros’ foundations have been hard at work facilitating the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico. A leaked OSF memo from February 2016 even proved that the organization looked to influence the Supreme Court regarding rulings about illegal immigration.
Quite predictably, some American citizens are now saying: “Maybe we should be careful about who enters our country”. And Donald Trump is there to champion that movement. However, he is also there to associate that movement with the ugly aura of hatred and racism.
Trump and the Alt-Right
The idea of secure borders and the integration of legal immigrants are real policy issues that should be discussed in a rational and sensible matter. But by associating anti-Soros policies with a wider context of racism and fascism, the entire topic is discredited and rejected from the public space.
The 2016 presidential elections are the perfect venue to bring this agenda home. While many wonder how a character like Donald Trump even managed to become a presidential candidate, the answer is quite “deplorable”: He is being used to discredit those who are against the Soros agenda.
Trump’s entire campaign has revolved around immigration. However, instead of addressing these issues in a rational matter (which is what most voters are craving), he never fails to go “too far” by summoning the ugly specter of bigotry and justifying the use of racial profiling. By claiming that “Mexico is sending criminals and rapists” and proposing a ban on Muslim immigration, Trump is, quite intentionally, “going too far”.
The question is not “Is Trump a racist or not?”. That is irrelevant. What is relevant is how his campaign is presented in the media.
One of the many headline news across the world associating Trump with racism and extremist movements.
One of the many headlines across the world associating Trump with racism and nationalist movements.
Mass media have also been documenting the rise of a movement dubbed the “Alt-Right”. It even has a Wikipedia entry.
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. It has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, as well as by opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.
The alt-right has no official ideology, although various sources have said that it is associated with white nationalism, white supremacism, antisemitism, right-wing populism, nativism, and the neoreactionary movement.
It has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as 4chan.
– Wikipedia
Despite the fact that the core of this movement is led by internet trolls looking to be edgy, mass media have been having a field day with shocking headlines . The goal: Equating Trump and his policies with racism.
A typical headline about the Alt-Right.
A typical headline about the Alt-Right.
Another one.
Another one, this time about about gay people.
You are getting the picture.
Of course.
Donald Trump’s son also gets associated with hate groups.
In the light of the controversies surrounding Trump, Hillary becomes the “rational” and “reasonable” choice. She is the candidate by default. Even notable Republicans cannot be associated with Trump.
Ex US President, and Republican, George HW Bush … voting for a Democrat?
George W. Bush's Secretary of State Colin Powell is not a fan of Trump neither.
George W. Bush’s Secretary of State Colin Powell is also not a fan of Trump.
Hillary, the Candidate by Default
Let’s be real. Although the race will appear tight, Hillary is there to win.
Nobody really likes her. She doesn’t really have a plan. She is completely bought and sold by the world elite, the bankers and all of the lobbies imaginable. But she is set up to be President. And Soros himself has been actively involved in her campaign.
The billionaire George Soros and other liberal donors will bankroll a new $15 million campaign to mobilize Latinos and other immigrants this fall, hoping to channel outrage at the political rhetoric of Donald J. Trump and other Republicans into a surge of votes for Democratic candidates in November.
– NY Times, Soros and Other Liberal Donors to Fund Bid to Spur Latino Voters
The Clintons are deeply involved in elite organizations such as the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Hillary attended the Bilderberg meeting in 1997. Her husband Bill Clinton attended the meeting in 1991 – two years before he was elected President. Bill Clinton is also a member of the Trilateral Commission, an influential “discussion” group founded by David Rockefeller.
Here’s Clinton as the Senator of New York saying she is looking forward to being “told what to do” by the CFR:
Although Hillary has not presented a single original idea to improve the country, she did provide us a reason to vote for her: Because she’s a woman.
Without even mentioning the series of mysterious deaths surrounding the Clintons and the embarrassing e-mail deletion scandal, one can already discern that Hillary is a not a breath of fresh air. In fact, she is the embodiment of the ever-continuous rule of the old, crusty, world elite. However, most people will eventually conclude that she is the “lesser of two evils”.
In Conclusion
The American public is being forced to choose between two options – and both of them are terrible. In fact, the two options are basically the same option. Like most presidential elections in the past, the winner has already been chosen by the global elite. Unless an unexpected turn of events occurs, Hillary is set up to win. Trump’s role in this charade is to lead the anti-Soros movement, associate it with ugly terms such as “racism”, mix it up with the ridiculousness of the “Alt-Right”, and to ultimately crash the entire thing in an intense fire of stupidity.
In this sense, Trump is just as useful to the elite as Hillary. Both of them play a role. The “outsider” will probably stay outside and the “insider” will mostly likely stay inside. And you don’t actually have a choice: The 2016 presidential election is a complete sham.
P.S.: This article is not about my personal opinion about the candidates. It is about how mass media portrays each candidate to force a narrative on the elections. So please stop with comments such as “Why are you saying that Trump is racist?!?”. I am not personally saying that Trump is racist, I am saying that media is constantly repeating that he’s racist. This site is not political and never was. It is about analyzing mass media and its influence on public opinion. So please keep that in mind before jumping to conclusions and posting angry comments. Thanks.
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