Why Not Join the Fun?
Life Tapestry Creations
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman
for LifeTapestry
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/why-not-join-fun.htmlDear Ones,
Now that you have essentially given up your world-shifting role, how can you be sure that the second wave will create a world you want to live in?
Your concerns are the concerns of many parents as their children reach young adulthood. The next generation almost always feels wrong from the parents’ viewpoint. Not because their young adult children are wrong, but because they are different.
Need we remind you that several outer-directed generations live amongst one another despite somewhat differing patterns – and so it will be now.
The second wave will not create as you might, for your creation instincts are to repeat outer-directed structural designs.
Will you be comfortable in this new rebuild? That is your choice for the rebuild will seem strange at first, just as anything new does.
As the second wave creates new economies, governments, institutions (the only term you can understand now), relationships, etc., you will be amazed and initially horrified. Their creations will not be like anything you can imagine. But then, you arrived on the earth to destroy that which you knew.
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