Why I Don’t Side, Judge or Attack Others In The UFO Community
By James Gilliland
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/why-i-dont-side-judge-or-attack-others.htmlAs soon as we judge we are coming from ego. If we wait, observe and look at things with a fresh mind, what they call the Buddha mind we can see a different picture other than what is presented to us. What is unfolding is like a multifaceted crystal, different experiences, different perceptions. I was told once that imagination is real on the level of imagination so who is right, who is wrong, just what is real? Most importantly, why does it matter to you? If I side with one how can I help the other? If we are being triggered there is something we need to look at. The whole planet is in process. Past life wounds and traumas, childhood traumas, ancient memories opening, things that may not be relevant today are still being acted out in a completely different time. What is the solution?
Mastering judgment, being the observer, and taking personal responsibility for our attitudes and emotions especially when they pull us from our center. A strong belief in Karma, yes it is real, not some overlords invention. It also helps knowing everyone will have to face and feel everything they have done to others in their light review. The ego won’t be there to defend you and denial is fruitless. When you step back and sit with things a whole different picture unfolds. Many cannot see past their own projections affirmed by their egos, the stronger the need to be right the stronger the influence of the ego. Practicing loving detachment and being the observer opens up a whole new universe.+++
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