Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Why Don’t Channeled Messages Agree with One Another? By Don Spectacularis

Why Don’t Channeled Messages Agree with One Another?
By Don Spectacularis

As an awakened or awakening soul, you may have asked yourself the following question at one point or another: How is it that two or more channeled entities, energies, beings or groups (with whom you may otherwise be resonating highly) appear to be so VEHEMENTLY disagreeing and divergent on so MANY issues? And HOW is it that ONE entity or group (that you even RESONATE with!) comes through with one specific opinion, and yet, ANOTHER entity or group (that you resonate EQUALLY with!) say things that are entirely in OPPOSITION or CONTRADICTION to the FORMER?

So I’ll (attempt to) make this answer as simple as I can: There are (exactly!) infinite realities. As also are there infinite PERSPECTIVES. All of which are EQUALLY valid and loved in the eyes of Source / God / Creator -- for Source is nothing but Unconditional LOVE itself. Which also includes things such as unconditional acceptance, unconditional compassion, unconditional forgiveness, and such.

Furthermore, anything that you can (or cannot yet) imagine ALREADY EXISTS somewhere, for Source contains it ALL. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called All-That-Is, it would be called All-That-Is-MINUS-This-One-Thing...+

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