Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Where Do Certain Spirits Come From?
By Vital Frosi


When Kardec has coded Spiritism, he brings comfort to the souls incarnate, once humans begin to understand that life goes on, even with the death of the physical body. In a way, humanity has received a thread of Light in their consciences, for understanding that death does not exist for the soul, was in fact a great achievement in terms of knowledge, for each incarnate here on Earth.

Even so, the Spirit Doctrine of Kardec has been confined to the Wheel of Reincarnations. All those who have been interested in studying it, have interpreted that every human being is a Simple and Ignorant Spirit, seeking improvement and evolution.

In a way, this is correct, as a consolation to those who strive for that evolution. Once you have learned all the lessons of this soul school, the cycle of....+

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