Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Where All Your Light Is Revealed

God said:

Do you see how a tall tree grows? It is not copying another tree. It is not trying to be a tall tree. It is only being itself, layer by layer. It is like, as the tree grows, it exhales in total relaxation. There is no effort. The tree is not trying to attain, achieve, perform or anything at all except to just be the tree he is.

You see where I am going here. My children go through all sorts of somersaults trying to attain to something. Trees just attain their full growth without exertion. They are not running a race with other trees or even with themselves.

Now this is tricky because a tree doesn't have all the choices you have. You are meant to have full choice, and yet I ask you to not get out of breath. Be calm like a giant tree.

You have all the sap a tree has that makes it stand tall. Everything you are is built-in to you too. It is really not necessary for you to try so hard. You will attain without wearing yourself out.

Note all the ways you want to be. Own them to yourself. If, for instance, you want a Ph.D., you have to do the work. You have to want it a great deal to go through all that you have to go through. There are some matters in life that can be likened to running through the gauntlet. You don't have to put yourself through all of them. Choose those that matter the most to you and allow them to happen. Do not wear yourself out.

There is no upstream, beloveds, when it comes to your innate spirituality. As a matter of fact, there is nothing you have to do but follow your heart. You do not need to read every book on the subject. You do not have to go to every seminar. Your spirituality is not located in a book or in any teacher. I downloaded spirituality into you. It is all there. It is yours to access. Point to your heart.

Something outside you can light a spark, yet the spark is yours. You don't need all the matches in the world to light you up. You don't need to keep dashing hither and yon to find your path to Me. It is not out there, beloveds. It is in you. Point to your heart.

Have confidence that you know. Have confidence that you have all the ingredients necessary, and that they will appear in perfect synchronicity.

I know you deeply desire to be more of who you already are. I know you want your light to shine. I know, I know. I will blow My breath on your light, and your light will be lit. You may like to think it is lit from above. The actuality is that it is lit from within. From within you, beloveds. You are your own match. The light of love is your match.

It is so easy to tell yourself to love, and yet it is not so easy to do. Sometimes My children put themselves into the ravages of a storm, and sometimes again and again. Love yourself, and you will move where grace awaits you. You do not have to choose the storm. You don't have to put your finger on the hot stove even once more. You can choose what life offers. You do not have to avoid. It's just that you open other doors where all your light is revealed, and you see the light that is yours. Independent of anyone or anything else, you see it. It is yours to see.

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