I recently had the opportunity to read a very good book called “Hunt for the Skinwalker”.
The setting for this book was in Utah, on what was originally an Ite Native American reservation.
A number of anomalies occurred at this ranch, such as orbs, which incinerated three dogs, cattle mutilations, static electricity, unusual aircraft, poltergeist activity, and strange animals with the ability to appear invisible as in the movie Predator. And the smell, always that smell.
The first frightening experience the owners had on the ranch was when their first cattle arrived as they were standing by the corral. They spotted an unusual animal approaching. This animal stood chest high to a six foot tall male. It looked similar to a wolf or dog with muscle mass was far beyond that of a dog or wolf. Its coat was gray, and eyes blue weighing about four hundred pounds. It approached in a timed manner, suddenly attacking the youngest of the cattle, clamping down on his head. The rancher shot the creature three times with a magnum with no effect. Then in a calm manner the beast released the calf, stood watching the rancher. The rancher retrieved his thirty-aught-sixth, shot the animal two more times. Pieces of flesh lay on the ground but the creature did not bleed and did not show signs of distress. Then the creature turned and headed into the dense cottonwoods. His foot prints stopped sixty feet from a river and vanished.
A fact easily forgotten is that “spiritual beings can manipulate physical reality.”
UFO End-Time Delusion, David Allen Lewis & Robert Shreckhise
I will cite one more example from this book. In the evening hours what looked like a round circle, a hole or portal had been observed suspended over the property in mid air. Light was imminating from the inner circle as if coming from another world. It was around 3:00 in the morning and a dark strange looking creature crawled out of the portal jumped to the ground and walked away. Then the portal closed. This other worldly being could only be seen with night vision binoculars.
The location of this ranch is considered among the top most active UFO places in the world. It has been purported by many demonologist that occult activities practiced in an area, is like a beacon to extraterrestrial visitation. This was the case at the Skinwalker Ranch.
Ley-Lines and paranormal activity
An interesting thing happened to a family in Arizona one evening. They were drawn to a noise in front of their home. They saw three dark forms trying to climb over their fence. It was clear that they could not proceed for some unknown reason. The daughter of the family contacted a family friend that was Navajo, who was familiar with Witchcraft. When she visited the property, she became aware that these dark shadows were Skinwalkers. The Skinwalkers were not allowed to harm or enter their property. They were protected. Why?
CE-4 Research Group - Alien Abduction
When people talk about places that are haunted they always talk about the sensation of being watched. They experience an unseen intelligence that takes over their emotions and thoughts telling, them that they are being watched. And we are!
An exposé, everything Alien, from multiple sources:
An interesting man has come to the forefront of late by the name of Andrew Basiago. I have been listening to his experiences on Mars and with military intelligence.
As I listen to Mr. Basiago, I am horrified as to the extent of genetic experimentation that the Fallen Angels continue to carry out on man and animal. In his video he tells of half man half animals. Creatures eating what look like dead humans. This is all too familiar, if we remember ancient history. Are we the fattened cattle to be delivered to other worlds as food? How could we not be surprised at the out rage of the Creator of this universe at the destruction of his creation? I can appreciate Mr. Basiago positive experience with alien beings. However those millions of abductees who have been taken against their will and experimented on do not share his experience. As a result of these repeated assaults, these people and animals are forever scared and crippled mentally and physically.
This is what Edgar Cayce has to say about angels taking human form in “Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited”. “These thought forms hardened into true physical bodies that parodied the animal life of that era, producing grotesque results. They many even have mixed with the animal life of that period. Some readings speak of humanoid creatures, with animal attributes such as tails, feathers, fins, fur, scales, and hooves, even dwarfs and giants. Perhaps there is some substance to the old Greek myths of satyrs, centaurs, nymphs, and other strange creatures.”
I find it intriguing that while other worldly beings are kidnapping, torturing, tagging, and killing us they are telling us not to be afraid and that everything is going to be O.K. At the same time, planning the take over of our world. Do we believe them? One of the basic tenants of life is freedom of choice. Alien abduction denies us that freedom.
There may be a very good reason why the Military doesn’t want the people of earth to know about Mars. Then we would be faced with the full scope of the influence of the Nephilim and full extent of their relationship with them. Contrary to popular belief, they didn’t all die they went underground, literally and figuratively. That those in power have colluded with these demonic beings and betrayed those people who they swore to protect. That is what the government is afraid of!
Although we are acquainted with offspring of the Nephilim in the days of Noah, I was unaware that they still roamed earth today. According to Long Walkers, Return of the Nephilim, by Steve Quayle and Duncan Long they are hiding in far obscure places. An account is given in his book of a military exercise where a team of men were dropped in to extricate a dead giant in 2004. The creature was 10-12 ft. tall, and eleven hundred pounds.
It is no surprise that this event took place in Iraq. The prison of those locusts creatures with faces like men, hair of women, teeth like lions, to sting like scorpions but not kill. They are prepared for battle. Waiting.
I understand we all have our point of view on life and how it came into being. I also understand that there are those of you who believe that the aliens are our fiends. Still others believe in reincarnation. I am not here to convince anyone of anything. All opinions are respected. My goal is to offer information. Let there be no mistake, I have a bias, as does everyone who has a brain, and thinks. What you take from this article is totally up to you.
My personal belief is the Elohim created a wonderful self sustaining universe. He gave this wonderful earth to a couple of people who, as so often is the case screwed things up. Now He is in the difficult place of fixing things. What makes His job more difficult is the rebellion of angels and man.
If I understand history correctly, mixing the species’ is what got us into trouble in the first place. Many would agree. Why do we think that we will get away with it again?
Something that should be remembered about those other worldly beings; we have only their word as to the truth of things. Should we really trust them?
Surely we are at the time of the
As always Dr. Scott, Ph.D., thank you for thirty yeas of teaching.
Hunt for the Skinwalker, Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D. and George Knapp
The Fog, Rob Mac Gregor and Bruce Gernon,
The Devil’s Triangle, Richard Winer,
The Bible and the Bermuda Triangle
Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited, An Edgar Cayce Guide,
Long Walkers, Return of the Nephilim
The Devil in Connecticut,
American Ghost Society, Why do some ghosts wear cloths,
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