Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

WHEN IS THIS GOING TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a HORRIFYING senseless slaughter including little ones....DAMN THIS NEANDERTHAL WAY OF THINKING!!!! Such a huge loss. Hope everyone is having a good time here in duality land, your next scary performance should be right around the corner. Remember to keep your love and light hats on for protection.

And please dont feed the dolphins, they are already full on a special mix of COREXIT. Thank you and enjoy the show.

What on earth is it going to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by patrick on July 21, 2010 at 7:21pm
I was thinking about the poor turkeys at Christmas and Thanksgiving as well Nonya.
5.24 million tons of turkey meat a year, globally, by 2005 figures.
Comment by nonya on July 21, 2010 at 7:12pm
PATRICK.....I understand your point of view but we are now at extinction levels that haven't been seen since the age of dinosaurs. This is pure unadulterated IGNORANCE. I dont care about people's traditions they need an education on how quickly everything is disappearing. If they are that off the map and possibly without means of outside news, maybe they will listen to hoards of people telling them to stop. My family is from europe and came here with traditions coupled with american traditions that I have dropped. Thanksgiving being one of them. Our tradition is to slaughter en masse turkeys and the unfortunate outcome is that a lot of it goes to waste. What an undignified way to give thanks. What an even more undignified way to push a tradition.
Comment by nonya on July 21, 2010 at 6:39pm
"Pilot whales in this region - the main species targeted - carry high levels of mercury and persistent organic compounds in their meat and blubber."
good....maybe if these people get violently ill then maybe they will relent and start gardening.
Comment by patrick on July 21, 2010 at 5:50pm
Stiring stuff, but heres another point of view. Notice how this annual 'grinding' is obviously an important cultural marker for the indigenous Faroese. Families with their children at a jamboree, this happens in all healthy human communities. The ritual killing and eating of local wildlife is often part of these celebrations, from the mountains of Papua New Guinea to the Faroe Islands. We know that indigenous people are the BEST custodians of the land (and seashore) and that they should be allowed the freedom to maintain their customs as they decide.
Comment by CHRISTINA on July 21, 2010 at 5:44pm

"What is WDCS doing about the Faroese whale hunt?

In recent years our campaigning against the hunt has taken a lower profile and the number of whales killed has decreased. While no level of hunting is acceptable to WDCS, and we continue to seek new ways to stop his practice, we have found that when we make (and encourage the public to make) vociferous protests about the Faroe Islands' drive hunt, the level of hunting actually increases. This was unfortunately proven out recently, when the series of email petitions circled the globe, calling attention to the hunts. In 2008 - the year most of the email petitions started - not a single pilot whale was killed in the Faroe Islands. This was the first time in decades, perhaps even centuries, that no pilot whale hunt took place. Sadly, as can be seen from the table below, the pilot whale hunt resumed in 2009.

WDCS has been actively trying to stop this hunt, and also to prevent the Faroe Islands from resuming commercial whaling and international trade in whale meat. We will not pretend that our task is simple. Whaling is a long tradition of this remote and proud community that is proving hard to change. But traditions evolve over time and, rest assured, WDCS will not give up until drive hunting is consigned to the history books in the Faroe Islands, and its children can eat safely.

Whale meat is heavily contaminated

Pilot whales in this region - the main species targeted - carry high levels of mercury and persistent organic compounds in their meat and blubber. Long term independent studies of children in the Faroe Islands have directly linked neurological delays, cardiovascular problems and other development problems to their mothers' pre-natal consumption of whale meat. In addition, recent studies have shown a direct link between the occurrence of Parkinson's disease in Faroese adults and eating pilot whale meat. Despite this, the hunts and consumption continues.

The Faroese authorities first issued an advisory notice almost ten years ago, warning certain vulnerable consumers (such as pregnant and nursing women) to eat less whale meat, but a whole new generation has matured since then and we are concerned that new mothers today might not be aware of this recommendation. We are working to change that.

Progress is painfully slow. For example it was only in 2008, years after medical officers advised people to cut consumption of whale meat, that the Health Minister stopped whale meat being offered in hospitals
Comment by nonya on July 21, 2010 at 4:43pm
dont look SIMONE.
Comment by nonya on July 21, 2010 at 3:19pm
SIMMY they got in the cinemas?!?!!! I didnt hear about that....YAY! When did that happen and whats the news/reviews on it since? Good for them....especially getting it through and cleaning their ass with the fighting and death threats....good for them!!!
Comment by Simmy on July 21, 2010 at 2:10pm
It's revolting!!!
It's the same kind of slaughter that happens in Taiji, in Japan, with the dolphins. At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel for them, because the guys that produced the documentary "The Cove" finally got it in the cinemas in Japan (after a lot of fighting and life threats).

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