The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
When you look at those around you, what do you see? Do you see cheaters, liars, sinners, even terrorists? Or do you see creations of the Divine that are perfect in their true selves? Do you confuse acts, thoughts, and words with the beings themselves? Do you realize that in doing so, if you do, you are thinking that they are unforgiveable, and by extension, so are you? You cannot hold another separate from the Creator and still rise to Oneness yourself.
Yes, you say, but how can I just forgive this or that? It’s terrible. Well, many acts, words, and thoughts are terrible. And we are not suggesting that anything must be condoned. But they are all NOT the persons whom you are condemning. Do you see that? Many are they who lose their way. Many are they who forget who they are. Many are they who, in trying to do their best, actually do far more harm than good. But we tell you that it does not stain their souls. You have been told for a very long time that you are separate, that you are sinners, that you may – in fact, probably will – go to a place called hell. Well, in answer we will say, you are not, you have never been, and you never will. The only hell that exists is the one created by your misunderstanding of who you are.
Quickly going back to the original topic, you must forgive. And the place to begin is to forgive yourself. If you cannot do that, how can you ever see the Divine in anyone else? You must be able to see the divine in yourself in order to understand that you all are that. Creator does not create mistakes. You have all had experiences that have caused you to seek to improve your understandings of life. And to the best of your abilities, you have tried to do just that. We would say that your ‘atta-boys’ are far more abundant than your ‘aw-shucks’. (We cleaned that last up a bit.) And since your lives are never-ending, you will never get it done. So lighten up just a bit.
Once you find that you can forgive yourself and begin to know that you indeed not separate from the One, then you will find it possible to see the same wherever you look. That will be the beginning of the forgiveness that we speak of. Each thought of forgiveness, of self or of other, will be like tossing away a bag of ballast from your hot air balloon. You will rise. And there is nothing that we desire more.
Come join us in love. Join is in joy. Join us. But please do so while you are still there. No need to leave just yet.
Blessings of love and light to you all.
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