Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What will it Take?
By Steve Beckow

Enough, already! Enough!

There’s so much bad news that I feel my stomach tightening up when I read my email, scan the news, or visit my favorite sites.

Even though I know the eventual outcome will be wonderful, I sag from time to time.

I’m to report the good, less of the bad, none of the ugly. But the ugly will flow. Or at least, let me rephrase that: The hearing and seeing of that which we’ll never forget will occur. Why? Apparently, this is what it’ll take so that this never happens again on Planet Earth. (1) We all must see and know what happened.

I began posting the Arcturian Group this morning. I seem never to fail to benefit from them and today was a lifesaver. I just needed to hear these words:

“Chaos reigns at this time. The old does not wish to leave behind that which they are comfortable with because it has become their security, sense of empowerment, and even self esteem because, not yet aware of who they really are, it allows them to feel “better than” others. Nothing is random. Know that third dimensional minds are not running the show even though they think they are.” ....+

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