Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What they Don't Tell Humans ! About Our Immune System !

What they Don't Tell Humans !
What one Needs to Do..
Is to Take Natural Boost/Strenghten One's Immune System..
 Liquid Vitamin D > Is Amazing..
Chemtrails > NO SUN > NO VITAMIN D ! 
Immunity, our miraculous body defense system,
works 24 hours a day to protect us from outside invaders.
Our immune system employs five branches:

Collectively these are called mononuclear leukocytes. 
Granulocytes (polynuclear leukocytes) are cells involved in  host defense,
against microorganisms but by non-immunologic mechanisms.

In addition, they ingest and break down invading micro-organisms.
They are on the front line and usually make the first contact.
They overwhelm the invader by sheer numbers.
Normally in our blood there are 5,000 to 10,000  leukocytes per cubic millimeter.
The average body has over 100 trillion cells.
One percent of these cells is your immune system.
The central nervous system has one-tenth as many cells.
Other organ systems have only 1/100th as many.
1. Stem Cells: Training Camp. Give rise to all the other cells.
2. B-Lymphocytes: Reconnaissance (intelligence) officers.
    They produce information (antibodies) to alert and command,
the special forces (Green Berets) to attack. Bacteria, fungi, virus,
and cancer cells become targets.
Antibodies in retaliation to cancer cell's antigens helps the body,
to stop the  spread of cancer.
The B-cells are under the command of the T-Lymphocytes.
3. Natural Killer Cells: Green Beret Officers.
    They are highly trained to attack abnormal cells: cancer cells,
non-functioning virus-producing cells,  and cells with environmental poisons.
Their orders come from the Generals  (T-Lymphocytes). 
This cell is influenced directly by the Fudenberg Transfer  Factor.
4. T-Lymphocytes: 5-Star Generals.
    These are war college training by the thymus gland and responsible,
for the onset of the war and the peace treaty.
a. Helper T-Cells: Commander-in-Chief.
Increases the amount of antibodies made by the B cells.
b. T-Cytotoxic Cells: Calls for War. 
    By sheer numbers and highly trained officers,
the invaders (cancer cells and viruses) are killed.
A fever is a common symptom. Around 11 p.m. and 11 a.m.,
the army is at its peak. Its energy level and numbers drop,
to its lowest level at 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.
Drugs are more effective and cause less side effects when given,
according to this cycle. Old School thoughts,
enter the Beck Protocol and Energetic Medicine.
Clear your Emotional and Mental Body....
c. T-Suppressor Cells: Calls for Peace and Re-evaluation. 
    The ratio of these generals (T-Helper:T-Suppressor) is used to evaluate the war.
Who is winning = BE the virus or the immune system?
The normal ratio is: 800-1000 T-Helpers per 500-700 T-Suppressors or a 1.6 to 1 ratio.
5. Macrophage-Monocytes: Latrine Sergeant and Sentry Duty (combined).
    The first sign of the invader (particularly a virus) can come,
from the macrophage; it also absorbs and carries off the dead soldiers and invaders,
including cancer cells.
The latest scientific evidence points to the combined efforts,
of the Killer Cell and the Macrophage to jointly kill a cancer cell.
The  key is overwhelming numbers in favor of the M-K combination.
Starseed Claude

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