Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What’s Up NOW? YOU Are. Feeling Anxious? Pay ATTENTION!

What’s Up NOW? YOU Are. Feeling Anxious? Pay ATTENTION!


Whoa, there sure is a lot of anxiety in the air! As soon as Mercury went retrograde only six days after this very NEW kind of New Year began, the anxiety in our human collective began to build. A few days ago, it became downright palpable.

But then, since anxiety is a felt manifestation of inner conflict, I am not at all surprised. In fact, I’m somewhat relieved that so many among us are already feeling this NEW year of 2016 asvery different from what we have experienced before, and so feeling what we call “anxiety”… which really is nothing but an indicator that we are not in alignment with what IS. And what IS from NOW on means whatever our heart’s desire.

Boy, being as sensitive to energy as I am, I’m sure glad  I’m not a “typical” psychotherapist who pathologizes anxiety as meaning that something is “wrong” with their clients… with all of this anxiety going around, I’d probably be thinking that anxiety has gone viral or some other crazy thing like that! And that, of course, would only add “fear of anxiety” as a whole other pathologizing can of worms… which is the very last thing I/we need right now!

I’m sure glad I recognized long ago that anxiety is a sign that my clients’ internal guidance system is working just FINE. They hadn’t learned to trust it yet, that’s all. (Otherwise “fear of anxiety” would probably already be scaring the bejeezus out of me, LOL!)  I’m also sure glad that the last thing I would ever want to do is “treat” anxiety… which in the psych biz usually means find a way to make it go away rather than listen to it….which over the last two decades has usually meant offering drugs to clients so that they don’t have to feel themselves… for the sake of their “mental health,” of course! (I know, crazy, huh?)

Anyway, the point is that if you’ve been feeling more anxious than “normal”  over the last 10 days or so, know that your own internal guidance system is working just FINE! This particular Mercury retrograde has been bringing up everything that is not in alignment with your heart’s desire, that’s all.

Well, that’s not exactly all… we’ve also got Mars in Pluto working on our behalf, which means a lot of volatility can erupt if we don’t heed our anxiety. And the Lilith/Uranus/Pluto T-square is making sure that everything comes up before Mercury goes direct again in a few days… so what all this means is PAY ATTENTION.

Use this time to learn a whole lot about who YOU are NOW!
* Notice your relationships with others, let anxiety  be your guide to show you every dynamic that is NOT in alignment with how YOU want to feel, and then make a course correction.
* Notice your relationships with everything in your life, and clear out anything that no longerfeels good. The less clutter the better NOW.
* Above all, notice your relationship with yourSELF and give yourself the relationship your heart desires… with YOU. Once you get THAT going, all your other relationships will start going that way, too.

And if you miss something, no worries! Mars, Pluto, and the T-square have your back. They’ll blow it up right in your face for you, just to make sure you don’t miss it (as some of you have already noticed, I’m sure).

Even if you’ve been trying really hard to avoid paying attention to something that’s been making you really anxious for a really long time, no worries! It’ll probably blow up altogether… just so that you’ll be free to start something NEW.

So NO WORRIES! You can’t do anything “wrong” because you have a zillion friends in the cosmos and they just won’t let you! How’s THAT? It makes “anxiety” obsolete altogether, doesn’t it?

Aren’t you GLAD you read this post? I mean, how cool was it to find THAT out?

Laughing with you, learning with you, LOVING with you…
this is Judith, signing off for NOW.
<3 <3 <3


Just in case you did like this post and are about to press the “donate tab” in the right side bar… THANK YOU! Even if you’re only doing it because you know that reciprocity amplifies whatever you’ve received, that is a perfectly FINE reason! The best, actually, because reciprocal energy exchange is what creates abundance for the ALL of us.
You’re so smart…Namaste for NOW, my friend!


Copyright(c)2016, Judith Dagley- All Rights Reserved.
If you want to share this post in other free venues, please share it freely… the whole thing, I mean, rather than excerpts! And be sure to include my name as the author and as the source.

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