What is Your Infinite Blessing?
By Archangel Metatron
Through Natalie Glasson
Posted June 24, 2022
with video below
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/what-is-your-infinite-blessing.htmlGreetings beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I come forth with Angelic frequencies to support and assist you in this time of your Ascension. Today I wish to speak of your infinite blessing, the infinite blessing that you can bestow upon yourself and upon the world. Many of you wish to be of service and many of you do not understand or cannot recognise how to be of service in your reality and for Ascension. Recognising your infinite blessing allows you to be of service, not only to yourself and your own Ascension, but to the Ascension of all, because your infinite blessing becomes an energy and tool that you can share with the entire world, energetically or physically, distantly or face-to-face, it becomes your tool, your skill and ability. When you share your infinite blessing with yourself and the world, you are sharing the infinity energy of the Creator, the freedom, and liberation energies of the Creator. In truth all that is the Creator and all that is at the source or the core of the Creator.
Your infinite blessing is a very pure energy from the essence of your being, not only the essence of your soul and soul group, it is your divine connection with the Creator, and embodiment of the Creator. The blessing is...+
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