Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What is the True Essence of the Sacred Masculine?

I've been blogging on the overall topic of the Divine Masculine/Feminine Sacred connection in various places on the internet, and have gotten some interesting discussions going. So this week I thought I'd see if anybody in this group might have some ideas to share on this topic. I am committed to helping bring healing to the universe in this way. I've put some of my musings down on the topic, but I'd love to hear you share your ideas, even if they are no more than just a word or a single sentence. I find sometimes just a word can be more powerful than a full blown dissertation on a topic.

The Divine Warrior...standing up for and taking action on behalf of what is good.

The Confident Lover...who knows he has the ability to bring joy and honor to his partner through his actions because he has paid attention and can be attentive.

Father: protector, teacher.
Brother: equal, friend.

Intellect... wisdom with a plan of depth, moving.... directional....

Astronaut...mailman, owner.janitor...veterinarian, vegetarian....................

Have you met the Sacred Masculine anywhere in your life?


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Comment by Tracy Norwalk on August 17, 2009 at 3:04pm
Hello All,

This week I'm asking ya'll to make your comments on a short film that one of my dear friends sent to me in regards to coming of age and what it takes to be a real man. Here's the link for you to watch:

Mixing humor with some harsher points, I found it to be a reality check on how our world relates to one another. I hope you will find it as thought provoking as I did.

Let's hear your comments as to what may have struck you about it.

Comment by Tracy Norwalk on August 4, 2009 at 10:19am
Hi Trudy and Hannah,

Thanks so much for your comments. I totally agree with you both, that restoring balance and true understanding between the yin and the yang is at the heart of what is needed for both our personal and planetary healing at this time and has been for centuries. I also agree that the yang (male) energy is very out of balance and dominates and must be met in equality with the yin. This basic premise goes to the heart of
what I personally have taken on as my mission as a healer.

Blessings to you both,

Comment by Trudy on August 4, 2009 at 6:37am
Antimorphic said : Hi Tracy. Thank you for bringing up this topic. There has been an imbalance of masculine and femine energy on our planet for centuries. This is partly down to our misunderstanding of these energies, for instance, we are conditioned to think of the masculine as strong and therefor consider the converse to be true for the feminine. Mistaking weakness in femininity is a cultural error perpetuated over generations. Far from being opposites, these energies are designed to complement each other. Instead of appreciating these complements, we have pitted one against the other, the masculine has oppressed the feminine, and in it's struggle for balance, the feminine has blamed and oppressed the masculine.
A balanced male is open and loving. He knows his strength is not outward but inside. When a balanced male and a balanced female come together, there is no fear of oppression or struggle for dominance. There is only respect and admiration of the differences in form.
As a woman, I have had the great pleasure of knowing several balanced males, and am continually amazed at the fear which they seem to inspire in the opposite sex. I believe this is down to our cultural conditioning and misunderstanding of the masculine. As women, if a man doesn't fit into our mental box of "maleness", we either seem to judge them or run a mile.
I am so happy to see this exploration of male energy that you offer.
Mental constructs aside, what makes the divine male divine also makes the divine female divine- and at that meeting point, there is equal ground. Here, there is no 'us' and 'them'... only we.
These are just my own musings. Please, dear one, take from my words only those that agree with the wisdom of your own beautiful heart.

I wanted to respond to this post yesterday. But I couldn't find the right words to express myself.It is long ago that I see a woman express the important balance between man and woman on such a clear way. The male has for decades released to much masculine energy in mother earth, yang predominates, and it is our duty to the female yin to equal the yang. You have expressed it great Hannah,and when I faced your explanation dear Hannah, it is in my belief that we women are on the right path to restore the balance on Mother Earth. Thank you for opening up my day with so many beautiful and thoughtful wisdom.
And for this I wanna say ...Thank you with all my heart ...
Comment by Antimorphic on August 4, 2009 at 4:50am
Hi Tracy. Thank you for bringing up this topic. There has been an imbalance of masculine and femine energy on our planet for centuries. This is partly down to our misunderstanding of these energies, for instance, we are conditioned to think of the masculine as strong and therefor consider the converse to be true for the feminine. Mistaking weakness in femininity is a cultural error perpetuated over generations. Far from being opposites, these energies are designed to complement each other. Instead of appreciating these complements, we have pitted one against the other, the masculine has oppressed the feminine, and in it's struggle for balance, the feminine has blamed and oppressed the masculine.
A balanced male is open and loving. He knows his strength is not outward but inside. When a balanced male and a balanced female come together, there is no fear of oppression or struggle for dominance. There is only respect and admiration of the differences in form.
As a woman, I have had the great pleasure of knowing several balanced males, and am continually amazed at the fear which they seem to inspire in the opposite sex. I believe this is down to our cultural conditioning and misunderstanding of the masculine. As women, if a man doesn't fit into our mental box of "maleness", we either seem to judge them or run a mile.
I am so happy to see this exploration of male energy that you offer.
Mental constructs aside, what makes the divine male divine also makes the divine female divine- and at that meeting point, there is equal ground. Here, there is no 'us' and 'them'... only we.
These are just my own musings. Please, dear one, take from my words only those that agree with the wisdom of your own beautiful heart.

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