Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What is Energy?
By Victoria Cochrane

All matter is grounded in creation, for how can it exist if it at first was not created? The creation of the universe has evolved over eons of time, but the fact that there was matter to begin with is the question we wish to ponder here. How is it that the fine particles that make up all things existed in the first place? Was there a ‘Big Bang’ that created the planets, stars and moons that exist today? Did God just wave his staff and create the world in a week as the Christians believe?

Matter is energy. Anything that exists in the world and the universe has been created through energy and thus vibrates energetically at its own natural rate. The creation of the universe can, indeed, be credited to the Supreme Source but not in the way Christians describe. The universe was created by energy colliding with itself and forming solid matter. In a space with no restrictions on speed or distance, the existence of energy and the manner in which it was travelling was destined to create matter of substance that began microscopically-small but built upon itself exponentially until the matter began to clump, stick together and form solid formations....+

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