Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Most people do not realize that they have a second skin—an energy “skin” called an aura that protects and shields their energy system just as physical skin protects their inner organs. Imagine what it would be like to have no skin. What would happen? Your organs would spill out onto the ground; your veins and arteries would sag and bulge. You would be defenseless against contaminants, germs and viruses. Your skin is a highly efficient protective layer between you and the external world. It holds your internal pieces and parts in place, it shields you and it filters out foreign matter that could be dangerous or irritating to your inner organs.

Like physical skin, the aura is permeated with natural disease-fighting chemistry, and it hosts the sensory communications of the nervous system. This second skin is the boundary between your personal-energy system and the energy of your environment, an illuminated wrap of life-force medicine, and a subtle nervous system receiving and sending energy messages. This energy skin is your aura.

Every living organism has an aura. A healthy aura can be visualized as a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions. This positive, protective field contains bright colors, strong vibrations, pure tones and is encased in a full, smooth, egg-shaped boundary. When you are sick, depressed, sad or unsure of yourself, your aura is close to your body. The colors are dull, murky and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. A non-protective aura can be a cause of illness and distress for people. Without the natural filtering system provided by a healthy aura, you are vulnerable to chaotic environmental influences. The frequency of different energies in our environment can coexist and overlap nondestructively in the same space; take, for example, radio and television frequencies. Much of the energy in our environment—mental, physical, and emotional—is positive, but much other is negative.

An Early-Warning System

Your aura is a multi-operational energy field. The aura also acts as a reception and relay network for subtle energies. The aura delivers energy messages to the chakra system, which then translate into hormonal, nerve and cellular activity in the physical body. In general, the aura tends to be a storehouse (of current thoughts, feelings, attitudes and interactions) that exists between you and your environment. As the world first interacts with your auric field, the freshest impressions, communications and intuitive hits become a part of it. As an early-warning system, your aura also detects energy disturbances which have yet to be manifested.

A grounded aura allows you to sense when energy is being directed at you from near or far, and gives you the choice to accept it or cleanse it out of your space. When your aura is grounded, you feel safer and more secure. Here is how you can ground your aura: Sense or visualize a cocoon of healing light and energy surrounding your body. Hold that feeling and intention for a moment. Next intuit a symbol, color or sound; and visualize that energy all around the perimeter of your aura. (Imagine that the perimeter of your aura is like the shell of an egg.) Ground that perimeter energy field into the earth with visualization, i.e., roots of a tree; or with sensation, feeling the downward pull of gravity; or by affirming the intention, “I am grounded to the earth.

Your aura, when functioning effectively, acts as a lightning rod for negative energy or thoughts that enter your space. If your aura is not protecting you well, you might be influenced by someone’s unhealthy energy entering your own, or you might feel as if you are being verbally attacked when someone is simply conversing with you. With a grounded aura these undesirable intrusions will be intercepted at its outer edge and automatically grounded out of your personal energy field and down into the earth. With practice, your aura will become an autonomic system of protection.

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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on November 7, 2010 at 4:22pm

Thanks Trudy,
Blessings of light and laughter to you :))
Comment by Trudy on November 7, 2010 at 8:41am
This is a must read for everyone!!!
For me there are some points of attention ... I am again on a crossroad in my life ... and this aura explanation is very usefull to me :)))
Excellent message my dear Golden Angel K Namasté

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