Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What is Ahead
Let’s go down through some of the categories. Let’s take a look at potential headlines for that which will come. (Linda says, “Is this the October surprise?” Adamus Saint-Germain chuckles.) First of all, you’ve seen it in the financial sectors, and you’ve only seen the beginning. What you’re going to see here in the coming few months in particular are those who have held the power – not just in this lifetime but in many, who have held it again and again – have reincarnated back into it. They have appointed themselves some sort of dictator of power, and there are a lot of them on Earth right now.

The ones who have been holding the financial power, you’re going to see them desperately trying to get it, trying to take it back, trying to manipulate it. Stand behind the short wall, take a deep breath, have compassion, because woe to them. Woe to their families, woe to their servants, woe to all who are part of their power games. Stand behind the short wall with compassion, dear friends. Don’t feel sorry for them one bit. You could say in a way, in a twisted way, that they are doing this for humanity as well. They knew it was coming.

In the 1500s, in the 1700s and late in the 1900s, we had some, what you would call, very multidimensional, very spiritual mystical discussions with these groups who have held the power. We showed them what would come. They did not believe it. It caused them to hold on more desperately to the power, and now it’s here.

So there is a level at which they knew it was coming. Don’t feel sorry. Also don’t feel sorry because some of them are going to be coming to some of you to find out what the hell just happened in their life. They’re going to be in a nightmare when they come to you. They are going to be in a world of hurt. (Laughter as emergency sirens go by in the background.)

So, dear Shaumbra, power is poison right now. It’s poison to those who are in government positions, who have had their little games, who have had their little empires, who have thought more about themselves and about their little group that supports them. I’m not talking about necessarily just the elected officials, I’m talking about the bureaucrats. The bureaucrats are going to find themselves out. The bureaucrats are going to find a whole new … a whole new legion of beings that are coming in to actually serve, not to take. The ones who have been holding on to the little thrones of power are going to find themselves in a world of hurt also.

We’re not making anything happen. You aren’t making anything happen, but the power that they used to drink has now turned poisonous. The very power that they rely on, the very drink that they take in every day is now a poison.

You’re going to find it continuing to happen in the churches. Thank god for that (laughter) for they have held power of government, power of money, power of sexual energy and power of spirit and consciousness, and when they drink in their power it’s going to explode their bowels. It’s going to destroy from the very inside what they have been abusing for so very long. There’s going to be stories that come out about those who have held the religious power and the trust and the faith of the people and what they’re really like – the demons that they really are.

I’m sorry. Tobias doesn’t ... he brings it to you gentler, I’m just putting it out on the table. I had a very, very long few weeks of negotiations. I show up sometimes as a cat – one of my new favorites. You know, humans are so funny. They think a cat is so harmless. (laughter)

At our meetings in Paris earlier today I showed up as me and I shocked the crap out of some of these power people, these bankers, these bureaucrats, these politicians who recognize me as Saint-Germain from other lifetimes. They couldn’t quite figure it out – “Where do I know you from?” – and I could only smile. I said, “You know me from hell” (laughter and audience applause) “and that’s right where you’re going back.” (more laughter)

Dear, dear Shaumbra, what you are seeing right now is a farewell to power, the loss of power, power as the poison on Earth right now. It is sweeping across every institution of power. You are going to see it in even things like universities and schools, in the police departments, in the militaries, because what used to be the very thing that sustained them is now going to be the thing that collapses them.

You’re going to see, in this shift, well, you’re going to see chaos. I won’t sugarcoat that one. You’re going to see it all around. Some of you are going to experience it as close as your own families and friends. They’re going to lose things. They’re going to be in pain and suffering – at least the illusion of it. They’re going to wonder where God is, and that’s going to be the most difficult of all the questions. You’re going to see them on their hands and knees praying and praying and praying, getting themselves into a frenzy, because they derive power off of a false god every time they prayed to it. They weren’t praying to God, they were praying for power. And when they pray now, they’re going to be drinking in the poison of Old Energy and it’s going to have to change them.

Let’s take a deep breath. Take a deep breath.

As you were standing behind the short wall watching the poison of power make its way across the Earth; as you see the assassination of European leaders in the very near future; as you see major Earth shifts, the earthquakes that have been predicted for a long time – they are going to happen, Shaumbra, before your eyes – understand it is the loss of power.

This isn’t because people have been evil. Humans – humans are good. Humans have hearts. Humans are filled with love and hope, but a few have tried to take it away and it won’t work anymore. A few are trying to hold back a transition into a new consciousness where power is not needed or wanted. They’re trying to hold on and it will be their undoing.

You’re going to see riots in the streets, burnings of cities. You’re going to see people getting diseases, sicknesses, that spread far too fast for modern science to catch up with it. You’re going to see some dark days, and it’s not the end of the world.

a message from Saint Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Saturday, 4 October, 2008 at Denver, CO (posted 8 October, 2008)

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Comment by Besimi on August 18, 2009 at 4:37am
so be it !!! ...or better saying let this continue,cause has already started .
..power is being lost and is being seen very clearly everywhere. ...buckle-up,tough-ride.
Comment by jose v on August 18, 2009 at 3:59am
well saint germain claims that he has the avility to travel without a body , seeing the future and more . some day you will to that it's the divine plan. the masters are working for our evolution. this chaneling it was made in October 2008.
I wonder if this past or this is to happen
Comment by ian on August 18, 2009 at 3:18am
I believe some of the old ways have to fall but i do not believe there has to be death and pestilence. We need changes now though that is for sure. Keep on loving guys lets get this show on the road.

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