All of humanity is right now moving very positively toward the collective awakening, so celebration and joy are totally appropriate as you become aware of more and more positive indications that this is happening. It is an unstoppable process that has been divinely created to direct you toward the Love path that will assist you greatly in strengthening your faith. Faith that God’s Will for all of His most wondrous creation is that they live in peace, harmony, and joy in every moment of their eternal and most glorious existence. You are all glorious beings, and your existence is a glorious expression of the Love in which Mother/Father/God holds you in Their eternal and divine embrace.
You have never left this state, it is the only state that exists, but by your individual free will choices you are presently experiencing the totally unreal state of separation from your Source, which you constructed eons ago i.e. just a moment ago! This experience is now coming rapidly to its end because you have collectively chosen to terminate it now, as you knew you would eventually choose to do when you constructed it seemingly such a very long time ago. + at
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