Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What Defines Your Core Essence
The Andromedans

Hello our dear ones,

We are here. We are delighted to be in your presence, and we are always honored to have an opportunity to share insight and messages to help you all along personally as well as collectively.

For when one benefits, the All benefits and vice versa. For you are all so beautifully interconnected, and this level and depth of interconnectedness is growing, it is intensifying, and we are seeing a beautiful bond of love and light that is beginning to move from one being to the other more seamlessly. And for this, we commend all of you for your work for your commitment, for your dedication to accessing a higher consciousness, one that is going to guide you along this timeline more smoothly and more seamlessly.

You Are Animated by Source

We are now attuning into the very definition of one’s essence, of one’s core essence. As you all know, you are all Beings of the light. You are interconnected to each other, yes, but you are also connected to what you would refer to as the Divine, as Source as the Prime Creator, as the All, as unity consciousness. This is, we will call this beautiful, Divine Presence, an intelligent, high vibrational, highly conscious light that animates all of you; that animates all things. It is the mothership of all consciousness. All consciousness connects with and feeds this central consciousness and vice versa. That is there is no experience, no knowledge that exists in isolation.+++

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