Saviors Of Earth

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Wests’ rubber masked Halloween political horror show is about to end. Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

Wests’ rubber masked Halloween political horror show is about to end.
Benjamin Fulford's
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
October 31, 2022

Enjoy while you can the horror show of rubber-masked actors and computer graphics that has substituted for government in the West. As a part of the show, we now have a fake pope, a fake US president, a fake UK King, a fake French president, fake opposition leaders, fake news etc. This is all about to end. It is a mathematical certainty because the entire financial/economic system that underpins it is over a thousand times leveraged and bankrupt.

“Kangaroo government usually precedes war. The worry is the next and inevitable onslaught would be thermonuclear,” warns MI6.

To avoid that Western white hats and the Asian dragon family are now negotiating a benevolent replacement for the collapsing old system. It will start with a jubilee. This will mean a cancellation of all debts both public and private and a one-off redistribution of assets, according to a Dragon family proposal. Another part of their proposal is to have Western military/industrial white hats preside over Nuremberg-style war crimes trials followed by the restoration of democracy, the rule of law and freedom of the press.
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