St Germain, 12/11/09 6:44PM:
We have had 100s of thousands of StarShips come into Earth's atmosphere since 12/9/09. They are hosted at Nibiru and other large MotherShips already here.
Everything that will be needed for decloakings is in place. All we are waiting for are the final actions of those dark hats who still have a chance, through right action, to turn their hat around.
There is a great deal of activity between Inner Earth and here. All of the inhabitants of Inner Earth, there are millions, are joyously looking forward to the reunion of both Worlds.
There are a lot of questions about who will be here and who will not, after this current StarGate closes. Others wonder how they will know if they have ascended?
Everyone within earshot of this call is Ascending.
The Old Timelines are in the process of being erased and with them histories are no more.
On the New Timeline, the past will not be there. This is the most fair and most loving way to move Earth forward in its Ascension.
Focus on Love. Focus on Your Greatest Dream for Earth, for You and Your Family. That is the most important thing you can do this night.
We will all get together again and discuss the changes on Sunday, after this precious time period has past.
What will happen is already set into motion.
When you join together your thoughts with this group, in meditation, in discussions, in questions and answers, in any way that this Group shares the effect is raising the vibration of for thousands more people, each.
Each one of you lightworkers and starseeds are holding the light for 1000s of others. It is like carrying a lantern ahead on the path and lighting the way for those following just behind you. I want to congratulate each one of you for passing all your tests. This is a grand celebration.
We all look forward to being with you and spending time with you again.
As you do your meditation tonight, use the Violet Flame once more to transmute everything on Earth into Love.
Blessings, St Germain
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