Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We come through to assist in the AWAKENING OF SOULS Federation of Light Blossom Goodchild

We come through to assist in the AWAKENING OF SOULS
Federation of Light
Blossom Goodchild

Hello! So lovely of you to make a guest appearance in my video last week. Enabling so many to receive your High Energy Love. Thank you.

With so much Love, we join you once again, Blossom, yet, in this telepathic system we have come to know well. It is not always conducive with the Energies to ‘directly speak’ through you. Yet, such a Divine moment for ‘us’, when we do.

Actually, you saying ‘us’, leads nicely into something I would be grateful for you to clarify. There is ‘material’ going around saying that THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT is not from the Light, because the word ‘Light’ is a way to draw us innocent Beings (?) into believing that you are when you are not and that you are a Phys Op. It is saying it is THE FEDERATION OF WORLDS that are speaking the Truth. Could you also, once and for all, please clarify why you choose to be called THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT … not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT? And … … Go!

Thank you for your concern, Dearest Blossom. From our perspective, we would say this. What we are called by anyone … anyone at all … makes no difference to us. That is why we do not make a fuss when addressed by many’s confusion, to be THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT. It matters not … to us. However, what is of most importance to us, is that you find TRUTH and LOVE and UNDERSTANDING in the messages that we bring through. ...+

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