Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We are doing all that is necessary to bring the first contact conferences into being and our liaison teams are working diligently to make this a successful endeavour.

We are doing all that is necessary to bring the first contact conferences into being and our liaison teams are working diligently to make this a successful endeavour. So far we have recruited three major governments to go forward with these critical announcements. It is essential for our benevolent presence to be made officially known to you.
"Meanwhile, our Earth allies are completing the final elements of a hugely complex puzzle. The deliveries and legal changes of governance are very close to happening; the gold deposits are in place in a number of very secure depositories; and our efforts have assisted the Earth allies in preparing the many announcements which are to follow. Mother Earth is starting to alter much more swiftly those elements on her surface which are to trigger her grand round of surface reconfiguration, and our planetologists are also reviewing what is going on in your solar system. Their reports emphasize how all your former water planets are mirroring what is happening on Earth. Even the Asteroid Belt is displaying changes that are a prelude to the reconstitution of the former giant water world we now call Pax. Your last dark cabal, of course, has other plans. Their manic hubris in defying the Light is a ludicrous tragicomedy. Your world is now actually slipping out of this limited 3D reality and becoming something much more compatible with full consciousness, and there is no way in the universe to stop these divine transformations. This has been obvious for some time and yet the dark ones persist in their bullheaded resistance and appear to lack the basic compos mentis to concede the field. We watch as Heaven furnishes the final elements which are to let loose the new reality. In turn, the dark steps up the chaos and initiates its last desperate strikes. This below-the-radar clash is about to surface as the dark is finding it harder and harder to camouflage its activities. UFO sightings are increasing everywhere. The secret combat between us, as revealed by what happened at the end of 2009 in Norway, Russia, and China, is reaching the media's front pages in many parts of your world. A time of revelation is coming when the cat of disclosure is to be let out of the bag. You are to move into a realm that resembles what your ancestors called dreamtime. This is a world in which you exist simultaneously as both Spirit and physical body. It reunites you with Heaven while rooting you in the physical world that you are currently familiar with. It opens up new vistas and gifts you with abilities that you now consider unreal. This is the reality we live in and we know how simple it is to slide into this new realm. The traumas and painful circumstances which now overwhelm you daily are to disappear in an instant. Right now, these things still stare you in the face, and it is our job to help you to make this transition to full consciousness as soon as divinely possible. The time ahead is about bringing together the elements that are to become the components of your new global society. This includes the revealing and the putting to use of a wide range of suppressed technologies. You have been cloistered away in a dungeon of lies and manipulated by the dark into believing in sciences and philosophies which greatly limit your understanding of yourself and your world. The immediate future concerns your move toward higher consciousness, our arrival, and the massive, well-earned defeat of the dark. Your reality is now ready to shift, and an opportunity to allow this to begin is now presenting itself. Our Earth allies are about to turn the key of change which will let all this begin. As it does so, we intend to open the door to contact by getting some major regimes to tell you of our noble and benevolent intent. The time approaches for our formal introduction to you and for the start of your final move to full consciousness ...." Note: The large Solar System planet Pax, referred to in the preceding text, is better known as Maldek. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is all that is now left of Maldek. There are two or three persistent stories about the destruction of Maldek. Perhaps the most familiar is that about half a million years ago an intelligent Mars-connected humanoid race on Maldek got into serious internal conflict. A shooting nuclear war ensued and the planet exploded in a thermonuclear fireball. The negative Maldekian leadership clan all those years ago has now reincarnated into the main negative leadership clan on Earth. It is known as the Rothschild family. Some other ideas about the history of Maldek are compiled here.

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