The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
In defense of our betters - while we pontificate from our keyboards, pulling apart threads of information/disinformation, proclaiming righteous prophetic insight, human beings in position of power must keep their people fed, an economy upright and marginally functional. Deals must be done. That's the reality outside Facebook and You Tube land. The Beast system infects the planet. Rothschild heroin (fiat currency on a computer screen) rules.
The fog of war was never truer than right now. People should watch the excellent documentary by Adam Curtis, "Hypernormalization" which describes the deliberate and rampant psychological warfare being played against us - Israelis, Palestinians, Iranians and Eskimos alike. From killer bees to super volcanoes to Planet X to Islamic terrorism to high cholesterol and trangender rights to pretend you have a cervix and demand a pap smear - we are enmeshed in a web of lies and deceit that is a scientific process like never before. Propaganda is five layers deep. Just when you think you understand the game, another variable pops up. You either drop out of the game and watch Game of Thrones, or, you adopt an over simplied approach and cozy up to a state approved narrative pretending to be alt media grass roots analysis. And who wants to lose the donations by taking an unpopular stand?
It's in keeping with your whole world view Henry - an elite few who fight occasionally but will never risk their Swiss bank accounts - for all the fist shaking and rent a crowds stomping on flags. Divide and conquer. Home base London, Paris, Frankfurt, Basel and Zurich. Business as usual. Whether Jew or Christian, Muslim or Communist, useful idiot or astute operator, the poor and less powerful will fight and die while a tiny elite push us into compact cities, guarded by A.I robots designed in Israel, manufactured in China.
extract from:
Brendon O'Connell - Syria, Russia & Iran are Not the "Good Guys"
January 13, 2018
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