Your world is now going through a massive awakening. We have pointed this out to you before. And each time we have also indicated that there was a vast amount of unknown, unseen, and unwanted things that had to be faced before you would begin to see the approach of the wondrous world that awaited you. We told you that you had not even scratched the proverbial surface. There are now, and will continue to be, wake-up calls to bring many things to your attention. If you are reading this on one side of the world, it will bring to mind, perhaps, something different to what it may invoke on the other side. These are things that must be addressed. As we have said, you are not going to wake up tomorrow in a world that has been miraculously transformed for you. BUT – you will wake up in a world that has been magically transformed by you.
For several months, you have collectively been feeling the approach of major change. We confirmed this for you. We confirmed it through many channels. Your most frequently voiced response has been ‘bring it on’. You always interpret things according to your most dearly held desires. But a new world contains far more than that.
Now it is, of course, a wonderful thing to have built a mental picture of the world you desire to live in. We highly recommend it. But one must also be able to see that there is a road to be traveled between where you are and that new world. And roads invariably have bumps and potholes. There will be shadowy things hiding in wait, and things that go ‘Boo!’, and washed out bridges.
You said ‘Bring it on’ and you have brought it on. Or, more accurately, as co-creators you have each contributed to bringing it on. So we tell you this now. This that you are experiencing is the continuing intensification of the wave of change that you so desire. It is something for you to welcome and to guide, not something to reject and hide from.
You cannot now, nor could you ever have, stopped the changes that you have spent millennia building from occurring – at least not for the planet. But you can draw them out, and you can experience them as either blessings or curses. You are fully capable of understanding those principles now. They may be seemingly new to some of you, but in truth they are not. These, being Truth, are what has been known as gnosis, or knowing. And there is nothing new about them. Truth is, has been, and always will be. And it is in the process of manifesting on your world, some would say, ‘at long last’. It will continue unabated, but you may experience it, will experience it, in direct proportion to your ability to accept it. Some will indeed not accept it. And their new world will differ in significant ways. They will have more and greater wake-up calls.
Can you bring to your inner eye the image of the shaman facing the rising sun with open arms, welcoming the rise of the new dawn? We highly recommend that you make your life be a reflection of that image. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Is a much more powerful thought than is “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!”
As your song says, “This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.” Make of it what you will. Blessings and gratitude to each of you for what you have created and for what you shall create from this day forward. You have, as always, our unreserved and unconditional love.
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
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