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Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections
A reader recently brought to my attention the possible link between Vladimir Putin’s surname and that of Grigori Rasputin, the famed Russian occultist and advisor to the Romanovs (Russia’s “royal” family)…
…The fact that the Romanovs associated so closely with a man so obviously demon-possessed tells you alot about them.
Hearing the conjecture that Putin’s name might be an occultic nod to Rasputin, I recalled something I read about Putin in his Wikipedia bio…
“The ancestry of Vladimir Putin has been described as a mystery with no records surviving of any ancestors of any people with the surname ‘Putin’ beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich.”
And there is something interesting about his grandfather Spiridon…
“Vladimir Putin’s paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was a chef who at one time or another cooked for Vladimir Lenin, Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, and on several occasions for Joseph Stalin.”
So Putin’s grandfather had personal connections with both Lenin…
…and Stalin…
…and he was trusted enough by them to be allowed to cook their meals. This relationship between the Putin family and top communist leaders brings to mind another thing to which the communists are connected: occult Judaism. Looking into this connection, a particular passage from this Henry Makow article caught my eye…
“The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”) The Illuminati and Communists are Masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776 and share the same satanic symbols.”
Speaking of symbols, let’s have a look at another piece of the Putin puzzle: his reintroduction of Tsarist symbols to Russia, This is the first flag of the Russian Tsar…
…Note the double-headed eagle with the crest on its chest and three crowns above its heads…
…which is now Russia’s Coat of Arms…
And the first flag of the Russian Tsar is now “the Flag of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia”…
And speaking of the three crowns above the eagle’s heads, here is Putin bowing before three crowns worn by clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church…
…Clearly, there is something going on with Putin that the general public is not fully grasping.
While we’re on the subject of crowns, have a look at what a 2002 article from Pravda says about The Mysterious Genealogy of Russian President Putin…
“…Is Putin an offspring of the Tver prince? This hypothesis was getting more and more real. The name Putin is not mentioned amid the Russian names. This means that the name is of the artificial origin.
This name has appeared recently, somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the clan of Putins from the Tver region. Illegitimate offsprings of noble families were often given cut names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There were lots of other occasions like that – Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy, Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of it.
The family book of the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin – a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave a lot of outstanding military leaders to Russia, as well as artists, politicians and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in the Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of the Putyatins clan, this means that Vladimir Putin has a relation to all royal families of Europe.”
Since the US Presidents have been shown to be related to European royals, the article’s hypothesis wouldn’t surprise me if true.
With these puzzle pieces set before us, what insights can we draw from them? Given this and previous information I’ve encountered, these are my provisional conclusions:
Conclusion 1 — It’s looking increasingly likely that Putin is a Stealth Jew.
I brought up the subject of Stealth Jews in an update on my second blog after reading another of Henry Makow’s posts. Here is a portion of what I wrote…
>>> Upon reading the post, I was disappointed to see Henry still clutching to the idea that Putin is somehow working against the “Satanist Jews and Freemasons (the Illuminati) [who] control the government and the media in the West” (there is no fence that has kept them confined to the West, Henry; they didn’t even start out in the West). It’s surprising he still sees Putin this way given that his own site contains an entry that explores the probable hidden Jewish roots of Vladimir...… err… Putin. /strong>
My current personal take on Vladimir Putin is that he is probably a Khazarian Jew whose family dropped their Jewish-sounding name sometime around the Communist Revolution.
Conclusion 2 — With the Putin family’s communist connections in one hand, and Putin’s reintroduction of the Tsars’ royal symbols in the other, one is led to suspect that the Communist Revolution in Russia served two purposes:
1) It allowed the Jews to take down the Russian royals and the Russian Orthodox Church and Judaize both before relaunching them, and
2) It allowed royal rule to be hidden behind a facade like it was in the West.
As Makow and others suggest, communism in the East — just like the fake democracy of the West — was used to move the people in the direction of a global government under the guidance of a Hidden Hand. The whole time “the workers” (in the East) and “the people” (in the West) were being told they were governing their own direction, they were actually being herded into the NWO. And now that we’re approaching the culmination of the globalist plan, the Hidden Hand is beginning to show itself for all to see. If the Jews (who are the driving force among the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers) get their way, all of the world will be ruled by a god-king controlled by them, and he will be called “Jesus Christ.”
There is much more to write on Putin’s Jewish connections, but I will save that for an upcoming entry. So let’s proceed with…
Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.
Exactly 7 weeks elapsed between 7 May 2012 and 25 June 2012 (the “middle of 2012″), and that’s exactly how long it took Vladimir Putin to go from being inaugurated to his third Presidential term to being received in Israel for a two-day state visit…
…From the Jewish World Review
While there, Putin made a point of meeting with both Jewish religious leaders…
…and Christian leaders…
…including Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, whose territory includes “Holy Zion”…
…From Wikipedia
This is what Putin did while with the Christians…
“During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…
Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.
After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.
Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…
In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born…
Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.
The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From
Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lighted a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.
When Putin’s status as both Mashiach and Christ is promoted to the public, the spiritual propagandists will say that he revealed himself to the Israeli rabbis in private during this trip, thereby fulfilling the Zohar prophecy. They’ll also say that he revealed himself to the Orthodox Christians too.
As for the Mashiach expectation that he will make himself known to the nations of the world after he reveals himself in private, Putin has certainly done that. While he was vaguely known by the world public as the President and Prime Minister of Russia before 2012, the public got to know him very well after 2012….
“Vladimir Putin entered the international scene – in a big way – in early 2014 by defending the East Ukrainian and Crimean people against repeated attacks from a Western-backed regime in Kiev. He then consolidated his status as an exceptional leader on September 30th 2015, when he ordered the Russian air force to intervene in Syria against what had previously been teed up as “the number 1 global threat: ISIS,” a group defined (not coincidentally) by their purveyance to Western – and, indeed, global – audiences of the fear of death.
In people’s eyes, this courageous and efficient intervention gave him, de facto, the role of world peacekeeper, the leader who protects us. Through the Syrian intervention, Putin became, willingly or not, a world hero.“ – from
This passage doesn’t even mention the Obama versus Putin standoff over American plans to bomb Syria in 2013. The globalists arranged for Obama to retreat, thus making Putin look like a hero.
Moving on, let’s look at…
Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.
You’d have to be deaf and blind to have not noticed the overwhelming hero-worship heaped upon Putin – and the overwhelming ridicule heaped upon his dialectic opponent Obama – in the controlled alternative media…
…From All News Pipeline, Veterans Today, and David Icke.
Also note that Putin was born to a “pious Mother Mary” (Maria Shelomova) and Obama was born to a “tawdry whore with a man’s name” (Stanley Dunham)…
So if Obama is the pantywaisted fake Antichrist…
…who is the butch fake Christ?…
Given that the world has seen cults of personality built around so many false messiahs in the past (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, etc.), seeing this new cult being built around Putin should trigger warnings in the minds of every observer. Yet those warnings are not being heeded. Why? Do you really think “it’s different this time”? Will we ever learn?
On we go to…
Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.
Through the tone and sheer volume of their coverage of Putin, the media have established him as the de facto leader of the BRICS Alliance, and the Russian press leave no doubts as to what he’s up to: he is leading the effort to establish a “multipolar new world order”…
…From Pravda and Russia Beyond the Headlines
Most awakening people are aware of the “elite” practice of using dialectics (the staged conflict between two controlled and seemingly opposing forces to achieve a desired outcome), yet many still fail to wrap their minds around the biggest and most obvious dialectic in all of human history…
the evil Western unipolar NWO vs. the “benevolent” Eastern multipolar NWO
The multipolar NWO is what the globalists have been working towards..., and the Obama vs. Putin stage play is their tool for launching it in a way that people will welcome rather than resist. I explain their strategy in this in Understanding the NWO Strategy.
That being said, Putin clearly fulfills this Mashiach qualification.
Finally, let’s have a look at…
Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.
If you are going to try to elevate a regular guy to messianic status in the eyes of the public, you have to do something that will really blow their minds, because only by shattering their worldview and normalcy bias can you make them malleable-enough to embrace such a ridiculous idea. It just so happens that the Rockefeller and Jesuit Crypto-Jews, in association with Jew-controlled Hollywood, have spent decades indoctrinating the public in a concept that will serve quite nicely for this purpose: extraterrestrial contact…
…From Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Steven Spielberg, a Jew.
In addition to the alien-themed TV show and movie barrage, they have been beta-testing a variety of alien narratives on the unsuspecting people of the New Age community. This testing has led to the development of a dialectic narrative that pits evil reptilian extraterrestrials aligned with the evil Western New World Order against “benevolent” human extraterrestrials aligned with the “benevolent” BRICS New World Order. It is the intention of the globalists to paint these supposedly extraterrestrial forces as the beings who are described in the Bible, with the reptilians being the demons and the human ETs being the angels.
At the same time they have been developing the script for their End Times play, they have also been developing the actors and props for it. In their hyper-funded ultra-black laboratories, they have been using suppressed biological technologies to genetically engineer hybrid creatures that will look alien to us. They’ve also been using suppressed aerospace technologies to create flying craft that will look and operate in ways that seem alien as well.
When they finally unveil this alien stage play to the unsuspecting public, they’re expecting people to be so blown away that they’ll accept any hopeful narrative offered to them, including the assertion that Putin has all along been the undercover Mashiach/Christ. So let’s now look at how this alien narrative has been tied to Vladimir Putin.
The New Age community has already been programmed to believe that Putin is allied with positive ET forces…
…From Veterans Today. Here is a key excerpt…
“A powerful new treaty has apparently been established between one group of Alien ETs (the Tall White Nordics) and Putin’s New Russia. This new treaty President Putin has supposedly negotiated with this particular Alien ET group is purported to be like the ones American leaders negotiated with in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. However this particular Alien Group group is purported to be substantially anti-WZ and anti-IZCS.”
And the mainstream media have also planted the seed in the minds of the sleepers with articles like this…
So Putin has indeed been tied to positive ET forces, and should the globalists proceed with this fake ET folly, it will be said that he was playing along with the bad aliens until he could arrange the opportunity to strike, just like the “Saker” article suggested.
Now that we’ve looked at the evidence pointing to Putin as being the Step 2 leader (the fake Christ / real Antichrist), check out this little blurb from Skywatch TV…
…Since Putin’s secret is now out, the Step 3 propagandists (the guys whose job is to sell the post-Putin leader as the real Christ) have gone ahead and started to name Putin in their disinformation pieces. And given the fact that we’ve already explored Obama’s qualifications as the Step 1 leader (the fake Antichrist), the showdown the Cabalist Jews have scripted for Step 2 is becoming quite clear…
In the Dark Corner, you have the “Antichrist”…
Barack Obama, the effeminate sodomite son of perdition born to a porn whore mother,
who is warring to put humanity under the yoke of a dictatorial, unipolar New World Order.
And in the Light Corner, you have the “Mashiach and Second Coming of Christ”…
Vladimir Putin, the manly, heroic, peacemaking son of pious Madre Maria,
who is fighting to free the world of American hegemony and establish a “fair, free” multipolar New World Order.
That’s one helluva script, is it not? And it’s only the second act of this three-act play. If there’s one thing you can’t accuse the Jews of being, it’s bad showmen…
For the full rundown on the 3-step prophecy deception, read “End Times” Programming. More information on Putin’s Jewish connections and the Jewish takeover of the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian Churches will be covered in upcoming entries.
With love…
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