Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Visit; Don’t Stay
By Steve Beckow

Remember the scene in the Abyss, where the alien column of water, with a face on its front, snaked around the research station?

That’s how I feel at times. A head on a body and the head is snaking around the world.

Once I was sampling its wares but, ever since my heart opened on March 13, 2015, I’ve switched. (1) I’m now longing for internal states like love and bliss, not so much sushi any more.

And like the alien column of water, I’m snaking around looking for others also longing for these blissful internal states.

The internal states – the divine qualities that I committed to a few months back – have come to dominate my longing. I use the word “longing” on purpose. I’m not talking about a need or a desire. Those are more immediate than a longing.

For me a longing is a subsensible and subtidal thirst. It uplifts me but is “sweet sorrow” in that it’s more drawn out than a desire or a need....+@

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