Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Vision and Imagination
Via Gloria Wendroff

Sometimes I am the furthest thought from your mind. Yet I am beyond your thought. I am irrespective of it. I may be out of your thought, your eyesight, your hearing, your conscious awareness and all, but I am never out of your sphere. That is, you are never out of Mine.

We exist, and We can say We live in the same life. But it is a different movie I see from the one you believe you are watching. We go to the same theatre, but We see two different movies. Seated side by side, with one screen before Us, We see different pictures.

We engage in the same sport, and yet the name is different. I play in Love always. You do too but you think you play Fight and Withdraw and other things like that.

What you consider Real Life is not Real Life at all. It is not even an imitation. It is far-flung. You think your feet are planted firmly on ground when you swing your bat, but you have never been more groundless.

All the troubles in life that you swing at are flights of fancy. You imagine a reality that is not true. It is a façade. It is a stage prop that a little finger of truth can knock down....+@

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