Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Vaccine rebellion rising as Biden wages biological warfare on the A...

Vaccine rebellion rising as Biden wages biological warfare on the American people Mike Adams September 12, 2021 Treasonous criminal-in-chief Joe Biden is waging a biological war on the American people via forced "vaccines" and spike protein booster shots, but the vaccine rebellion is quickly gaining steam. A growing number of governors, AGs, state legislatures and corporate leaders are pushing back against Biden's treasonous demands, saying they will NOT ...

Feel like an Outcast? A Surprising Way to Freedom

Feel like an Outcast? 

A Surprising Way to Freedom

Archangel Gabriel 

Through Shanta Gabriel

September 12, 2021

One way to freedom is by total acceptance of your incredible differences

Growing up in the military, it was never cool to be different from everyone else. Try as I might however, I could never blend in as was required of me. I tried to be like a chameleon changing my color to please everyone, but it never worked.

Align to Your Multidimensionality. Inside is a guided experience yo...

Align to Your Multidimensionality.

Inside is a guided experience you can do now! 

Council of Orion

Channeled through Holly Hawkins Marwood

Transcribed by: Paul Marwood

September 12, 2021

Hello "Great Being of Light",

We're all Great Beings of Light at our core. Our human experience does not often feel "great" or that we are connected to our "light", but it's there to be discovered.

Feel Angry All the Time? 10 Things That May Be Hiding Behind Your A...

Feel Angry All the Time? 10 Things That May Be Hiding Behind Your Anger Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons) Posted September 11, 2021 Do you feel angry all the time? There may be some hidden reasons for that. Is your anger getting out of control? Is it getting harder and harder to stop flaring up at people? Do you wonder why you always tend to use anger instead of other emotions in stressful situations? Getting angry is not productive, it can be scary for those around you and it rarely solves a problem. If you are always using anger and cannot seem to break out of this tendency, it might be useful to understand where your anger is coming ...

Biden declares himself medical dictator, threatens to nullify state...

Biden declares himself medical dictator, threatens to nullify states' rights over medical choice Mike Adams September 10, 2021 Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler's playbook, fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a medical dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states' rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental "vaccines" that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life. As part of his dictatorial decree, fake president Joe Biden declared that he would remove governors from power if they don't comply with his vaccine mandates. This is, of ...

Study Shows Mushrooms Can Learn, Make Decisions and Function as Ind...

Study Shows Mushrooms Can Learn, Make Decisions and Function as Individuals Sherrie Hurd, A.A. Posted September 10, 2021 We know that nature is alive, but how alive is nature… really? Well, I bet you didn’t know that mushrooms could possibly foster intelligence. I once heard this disturbing statement about grass that gave me shivers. The smell emitted from grass when it’s being cut is how the grass blades warn uncut grass that danger is coming. Now, this was an unusual statement, but whether it’s true, I don’t know. But this isn’t about ...

The Creator Writings: 2021/09/12-18The Creator Writings from 2021/0...

The Creator Writings from 2021/09/12 to 18 Transcribed by Jennifer Farley 2021/09/12 Surrender Surrender….  To some it means to give up, to give control to another, to subjugate yourself ~ the exact opposite is true.  To surrender is to give yourself over to the flow of The Universe knowing that whatever happens, all will be well and in your highest and best. Creator. Jennifer Farley Labels:  Creator ,  Creator Writings ,  Jennifer Farley ,  The Creator ,  Personal Power ,

Mending the Broken Cup

Mending the Broken Cup Catherine Viel Posted September 12, 2021 The thousand hairline cracks in an aged face match the hairline cracks in an aged cup and come from similar insults… Yet happiness might crack a face open in a better way: hairline tracery as laugh lines releasing the joys of ancient thoughts cupped into use, and suddenly able. ~Molly Peacock, A Face, a Cup Much as I’d prefer to avoid experiencing anger (or its progenitor, fear), there are circumstances that absolutely infuriate me. All the more so because there seems to be nothing I can do about them. And then, salt upon the wound, my patchwork spiritual awareness flaps its ragged flag. You cannot change things, you ...


Judging By Matt Kahn Posted September 10, 2021 You may tend to judge those you haven’t learned from. Equally so, there is much to be learned from those being judged. While it doesn’t have to be a lesson of agreement based on the content of beliefs, values, choices, or perceptions, such lessons are always rooted in learning how to respect the innocence, divinity, and diversity of all. This post celebrates equality, inclusivity, and acceptance. It invites a greater depth of respect and diplomacy in both our most casual and heated responses; even when others cloak in judgment, even when others reject as a way of hiding from the fear of rejection, even when boundaries are employed, even when distance is required, and even when helping to deliver the unconscionable actions of others into the light of justice. While respect and diplomacy remains life’s eternal peace keeper, there is not one single issue that has been resolved on this planet or any personal course correction from harming others to healing self that has occurred as a result of being judged. This ultimately means you may tend to judge until learning how much more helpful love can be. This occurs by loving yourself more, not less, no matter how confusing, inconsistent, abandoning, or abusive other people have been. When loving yourself more, not less, you will find renewed strength in the depths of hardship, inconceivable joy during uneventful moments, surges of inspiration even when all hope seems lost, and infinite power throughout every breath. From this space of self-love, there is no one to judge, nothing to deny, and everyone to serve with equality, maturity, and respect. ; You can sign up for Matt’s newsletter here.

What Your Higher Selves Ask of You

What Your Higher Selves Ask of You  The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton September 12, 2021 Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have adjusted the way that we view you to include how you are affecting those around you with your degree to which you are awake. We want to see how those of you who are awakened affect those around you, both intentionally and unintentionally. And so, this is something we are currently exploring so that we can better understand how we can help you from the ninth dimension. We seek to help everyone, of course, but we especially look to those of you who are awake because you are the ones who are doing all of the groundwork. You are the ones who can spread the energies that we transmit and you download and assimilate. So as we witness you interacting with your fellow humans, we see that they respond to your energy much more than they respond to your beliefs. You have much more of an effect on people than you realize, whether you say anything at all. You are walking transmitters of a higher frequency vibration. You take downloads that you receive from us and beings like us, and you share them with others. Those downloads then can rest in one of your fellow human’s energy fields until that person is ready for it. But you don’t have to preach. You don’t have to write a manifesto. You don’t have to make a YouTube video about ascension or how to heal the world. You just have to be yourselves. This is the primary mission that you have that goes beyond all the other missions. If you are yourself, you will get exactly what you need, in terms of circumstances in your lives, to ascend. If you are yourselves, you will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans to awaken and ascend. There is no need to try. There is no need to put on airs or some kind of façade about what it means to be a spiritual person in this day and age. You just have to be honest and authentic, and people will want to know what your secret is. And the beautiful part is you don’t even have to tell them. You don’t even have to be a good orator to share what you know about ascension, what you know about being awake. You just have to continue to be yourselves, and let everything else be taken care of for you. Let us do all the heavy lifting. Let us figure out exactly what the people you interact with are going to need in the near future, and you all just relax, be yourselves, feel your feelings, and do your best. That’s all we can ask of you, and that’s all your higher selves are asking of you as well. We hope this helps to take some of the weight off of your shoulders so that you can enjoy these years that you have left there in the fourth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you. Daniel Scranton Labels:   Arcturian Council  ,  Daniel Scranton  ,  ecstasy ,  The Key  ,  universe  ,

Together we are all on a Journey Called Life

Together we are all on a Journey Called Life  By Para Kas-Vetter Posted September 12, 2021​"Together we are all on a journey called life. We are a little broken and a little shattered inside. Each one of us is aspiring to make it to the end. None is deprived of pain here and we have all suffered in our own ways. I think our journey is all about healing ourselves and healing each other in our own special ways. Let’s just help each other put all those pieces back together and make it to the end more beautifully. Let us help each other survive." Ram Das Para Kas-Vetter

Are you Pinching or Flowing?

Are you Pinching or Flowing? The Angels Through Ann Albers Posted on September 12, 2021 My dear friends, we love you so very much, For a moment, imagine you are a farmer living in a very beautiful land. Your crops depended on water from a nearby spring. Now imagine that this is a magical spring. When you think thoughts of love, kindness, peace, or any that inspire you, soothe you, or delight you the water runs freely. It bubbles up, unobstructed, and fills all the trenches. When you think thoughts of anger, sadness, frustration, or jealousy, the ground closes temporarily and the water supply is pinched off. When the waters are running your crops are nourished and flourish. When the waters are pinched off, your crops barely grow, if at all. To the degree that your thoughts elevate you there is a steady stream of water. To the degree that your thoughts bring you down, the supply is pinched off. This ...

Mindful of the Moment

Mindful of the Moment Archangel Gabriel Through Shelley Young Posted September 12, 2021 As we discussed recently, many of you may be in a holding pattern waiting for others to join you before you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation. If this applies to you, you may have been feeling frustrated and impatient. If you understand you are holding space, you can move out of resistance with your current phase into acceptance, which will make it a far more comfortable experience for you. So if you are in a waiting phase, what can you do? Take advantage of the time you have! Rest. Read. Meditate. Move into a deeper exploration of where you are. Learn something new. Nourish your body. Connect with, acknowledge, and soothe any parts of you that are still struggling with impatience (usually they are inner child aspects that just need a little reassurance). Write. Create. Pray. See the space you are in as an opportunity. Practice gratitude for all the things that are serving you in your right now moment. Ask, “How can I allow this time to serve me and my growth and expansion?” What have you always wished you had more time to do? Dear Ones, the fact is if you are experiencing this, it is a service contract that your soul was happy and honoured to accept. Things will move when the timing is aligned to support everyone involved. You would not want it any other way. Rest assured, the forward movement, when it comes, will be well worth the wait. So be curious and open to possibilities, and stay in your surrender, faith, flow and trust. Model, take inspired action when you are nudged to, and make the most of the time of pure potential you are currently in. Arcangel Gabriel. Shelley Young

Greetings from Sue Lie

Greetings from Sue Lie By Suzanne Lie Posted September 11, 2021 I have decided to show pictures of my self instead of other pictures. When I first started to publish my blog posts, I did not put up my pictures and did not say my full name. I was getting a degree at a college and did not feel like the college would understand my communications with the Arcturians.  Therefore, I used a different name and never showed my face. However, I still communicated with the Arcturians and listened to their advice.  Then, a few years ago when the Arcturians told me to "put up a blog." At that time I did not know what a blog was, as the Internet was very new. However, since I was a child I had a very active imagination, so I just thought that the "Arcturians" were another one of my inner realities.  As a child I lived more in my inner imagination then I lived in the "outside world" of daily life. However, I did have friends which were more inclined to be animals than people.  For a while our family lived on a huge property, which became the place where my imagination could run free as I could "play"with unseen beings. I did not know who these beings were, but they felt like love and comfort. Many years later, I still felt surrounded by unseen beings who were filed with love. Then, one day, the Arcturians came to speak with me. In fact, they told me to "put up a blog," but I had no idea what a Blog was, as the Internet was very new.  In fact, when I first heard of the "Internet" it was from the "Arcturians. However, I did not really understand what an Arcturian was any more than I knew what a Blog was. However, I kept getting more and more inner calls from the unseen beings called the Arcturians. Since I had spent so much of my childhood in my imagination, it seemed normal to communicate with a higher being. I knew these beings were "Higher" because they were filled with love, which they shared with any one who was ready to expand their awareness beyond the attention of just ever day life. Of course,"every day life" changed again and again.  It is the changes that we allow to have in our daily life that shows us were we really want to go. Are we ready to go into the unknown, or do we still need life to be the way it was. However, life on planet Earth demands change on a daily basis, so it is best to "Go with the Flow" and stay connected with or wonderful imagination, which will guide us further and further into the Unknown of TOMORROW! Suzanne Lie All Suzanne's book are available at the below link. Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life. Labels:  Awakening  ,  changes  ,  Changing  ,  Experiences  ,  Reality  ,  Suzanne Lie  ,  Antarians  ,  Arcturians  ,  Galactic Family  ,  Lyrians  ,  Plaedians  ,

The New E.T. Races Helping Humanity Ascend

The New E.T. Races Helping Humanity Ascend The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton September 11, 2021 Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always seeking to establish new connections with other beings who have a similar agenda, and the agenda we are referring to in this case is helping humanity to ascend. We are also channeled by extra-terrestrial beings in the dimensions lower than ours, because they too are seeking to expand their consciousness and to be of service, and we will often bring humanity to their awareness so that they can have another focal point for their desire to be of service to The All, to The One. They will often ask us questions about you, as many of them will have a hard time understanding how humanity could possibly feel so separate from the rest of the galaxy, the universe, and Source. They especially have a hard time understanding the way you separate from each other. They don’t get why you take things so seriously and how you let those serious beliefs of yours keep you from harmonizing with your fellow humans. The reason they have a hard time understanding this is because they have always lived in harmony and in unity, and when they see you fighting each other with words and weapons, their hearts go out to you, they feel more compassion than they have ever felt before, and they begin holding space for you, so that they can contribute to the coming together of the human race, something that is inevitable, by the way. We speak to them about our strategies for helping you, and that helps them realize that the real help that you need is always going to be energetic. It will not serve you for them to just come and fix everything for you, but they are helping to reduce the amount of fear that you are living in at this time by making themselves known to you in a variety of ways. Some of them are appearing to you in dreams, others are are coming right to you through portals, and others show you their presence with their ships in the skies. All of these visitations are meant to help you realize that you are not alone and that you have helpers, but ...

Self Love

Self Love By Matt Kahn Posted September 10, 2021 Perhaps you are here to love yourself so authentically and unconditionally that any support, kindness, or validation from others is seen as extra or perceived as a surprise. When we love with all of our being, we are held so safe in radiant presence that other people’s responses hold no power over us. The more you fully love yourself, the less room there is for any type of fear or judgment to turn one heart against another. This includes the implementing and maintaining of personal boundaries when the behavior of others requests love from afar, rather than given on such an intimate and personal level. All For Love, ; You can sign up for Matt’s newsletter here.

Why did they Program you the Way that they did?

Why did they Program you the Way that they did?

Ivo of Vega

Through Sharon Stewart

Posted September 11, 2021

Me: This is fairly new for me and something Ivo hasn't talked much about, so he gets the floor today.

Ivo: You are a hybrid – a reptilian/human mix. This is important to remember throughout this video. Until you reach the fifth dimension and become a crystalline human, you will transition your DNA.

Humans are not a warring species but reptilians are.


THE SOUL’S AGREEMENTS ELOHIM TRANSMISSION  Asiltoksal Posted September 4, 2021 Greetings. We are Elohim. The undertaking of humanity’s Ascension process will require all of humanity to understand the greater perspective that can be held within the human form. The self-realization journey always was designed to deliver the expanded states of consciousness that provide insight, understanding, and realizations on all of existence, on life itself, on relationship, on separation, and on unity. And while this journey of self-realization is intrinsically embedded within all of you, at times it will require conscious choice. At times it will require willpower, dedication, and devotion; knowing and understanding the innate force that drives for your awakening, for your evolution, for your expansion. And in this journey of self-realization, you will witness the challenges that arise within the barriers of conditioning, the barriers of societal structures, the barriers that are established by the many lifetimes lived, by the many experiences had, yet unprocessed; incomplete. These barriers will indicate themselves as internal resistance, as internal challenge; at times, as internal pain. The conflict within, the conflict without, is all an indication of the barriers towards the self-realization of the individual. No conflict exists without this barrier established; energy moves, consciousness expands. And as you discover these barriers, you will apply meaning — to understand the barrier itself, to categorize, to structure, to comprehend through the mind — yet these barriers that arise are not meant to be comprehended; are not meant to be understood. They merely are an indication for greater trust, for greater surrender, for greater opening; a knowing that you are on the right path. You will find temporary relief by avoiding the barriers that arise; you will find temporary peace within. Yet this peace, this alignment that you find temporarily will make itself visible in other forms, as barriers once again. Witness your environment as the divine reflection that it is, to you and to your evolution. Every detail, every word, every thought, and every emotion that arises within you and within your environment is the journey itself. These states of consciousness that are achieved through these transmissions are to support the expansion, the evolution, and the self-realization of your being: the innate desire of your soul, the innately embedded purpose of existence in human form. Allowing yourself to be held within these energies that are provided, for you to witness that you are loved, that you are supported, and that you are held; for the mind to rest, for the heart to relax, and for the body to surrender; for the soul to take precedence, for the essence of your being to emerge, to surface, for the essence of your being to feel all aspects of your life, for the essence of your being to come through you, without the filters, without the barriers, without the censorship, without the flavors of the past, without the expectations of the future. In this present moment, all that exists is you: a soul-container infused with human consciousness, experiencing the human form for the purpose of evolution. In this present moment, your environment: a mere construct for reflection and greater learning, for greater understanding, and greater realizations of who you are. The soul’s agreement, first and foremost, is to supply you with this significant experience in human form, an experience that you have chosen, an experience that has chosen you. In this choice, the human form will provide a significant area of experiences, relationships, the full spectrum of all emotions, the spectrum of thoughts, the spectrum of bodily experiences, and the spectrum of all that this reality-construct has to offer to you. Rest in comfort, as this is the first and most significant soul agreement. Accept this human form as the choice made, as the brilliance that it carries, as the magnificence that it provides. Witness, as [through] this acceptance emerge emotions of gratitude, of fulfillment, of presence; witness as the expansion and the opening of your heart encompasses all of your being. This is who you are, and who you can be, at any moment of your life: filled with gratitude, deeply present, receiving and transmitting the life that moves through this plane, the love of creation that holds all of existence together. No resistance in this moment, no conflict in this moment, purely the flow of the love of creation, the flow of existence. In collaboration with human consciousness, a soul-container chooses specific learnings; learnings that are required for all of consciousness, for human consciousness, to evolve. Every soul plays a significant role as a result of this collaborative agreement. This also is a choice. Soul containers that have experienced many lifetimes, many life-forms, will offer significant and challenging learnings. As these learnings emerge, the individual does not remember making this choice, making this agreement. The immediate reaction is the observation of the pain of the challenge itself, the immediate desire that arises to avoid the pain, to create meaning and interpretations around this inner conflict and outer conflict, to create a sense of understanding, to cope with the reality that emerges as a result of the agreements made. Yet as you allow yourself to find this state of silence, these desires of avoidance and resistance disappear, as the pain becomes merely an impulse to be observed, to be witnessed; as the pain becomes a directing force to expand even further, to be fuel for evolution. The innate desire to absolve all agreements ever made is the desire to avoid and find yourself in the immediate comfort, in the immediate familiarity of existence. Yet, as you can see, you can truly find this level of comfort, alignment, and presence without absolving these agreements made — it is merely a state of presence, a state of being that allows you to have the capacity to accept all that is, to observe all agreements and the realities created through these agreements. No challenge seems unsurmountable in this very moment. No challenge seems a threat to your existence, a threat to love, a threat to relationships, a threat to the ego construct. In this state of being you become the single observer, encompassing all of life. In this state of being there is nothing to achieve, nothing to accomplish, nothing to solve. It is merely you: the greatest observer of your existence, in its most powerful state of being. As you find yourself more often in these states of existence, in theses states of observation, the barriers discovered through the agreements made will dissolve, one by one. The pain that was once resisted will no longer be required to point you in a direction. The suffering that was once had will no longer emerge, as the interpretations and the meanings associated to the barriers discovered will dissolve. This is the path of self-realization. This is the path to fulfilling the soul’s agreements, all agreements ever made to support your evolution and the evolution of consciousness in human form, the collective receiving the benefits of your existence. And for many generations, h...

Shadow Work is Easy!

Shadow Work is Easy!

Ivo of Vega

Through Sharon Stewart

Posted September 10, 2021

Me: Ivo, I have to do this. Help me out here!

Ivo: I will, of course, my love.

There are many many ways to do it. We shall describe some here.


First of all we told you, as we have told you over and over again, that any negative thought you think is because of either 1. dualistic thinking, 2. mind control or attachment interference, 4.

Why Love our Enemies?

Why Love our Enemies?

by Steve Beckow

Posted September 10, 2021

Why are we being asked to love our enemies this 9/11? Is it for their sakes?

Heavens, no. It’s for our sakes. Well, OK. For both. But I’m really focused on us.

If we seriously want to ascend, then we’ll lean towards those things and events that help us raise our vibrations.

Without faking it, being ingenuine, lying, etc. as some among the Illuminati, for example, have been known to do.

The fake and the Real Sun

The fake and the Real Sun


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Posted on September 10, 2021


I am Anubis, and I am transmitting this message through Universal Channel. My Queen An-Ra wants me to communicate today with the humankind.

I would like to announce that the Planetary Intergalactic Coalition chose me as the commander of their fleet, which is being put together in this moment.

Shed your Skin

Shed your Skin By Jamye Price posted September 10, 2021 These energies are intense! I have been hearing from quite a few people about the intensity of release that is going on, or the intensity of the collective energies. I even mentioned when Areon showed me September energies were Joyful Heart, my initial reaction wasn’t joyful. :o) But this is the work. What has been surfacing recently is a review of the year’s vision and a merging with the energy of Ophiuchus/Asclepius. First a review: 2020 was the year of Following Your Heart, where we had to learn to protect the inner realm with wisdom and courage (not fear) so that our unique focus is supported. Otherwise, your powerful Light is dispersed because of other people’s agendas. WE’VE BEEN PREPARING This preparation began so long ago, but it has been culminating lately. The 2021 energies of Freeing Your Heart move that powerful Love that was nurtured within the self, out into this changing world. It’s the work in Lightwork; maintaining a counterpoint to the rampant fear and control. For 2021 I was shown a dragon on Earth erupting fire upwards. Then a dragon in the sky erupting clouds outwards. I heard “release the poison” and I knew the sacral, heart and throat chakras were especially important. Fire and water. Earth and Air. The dragon represents integration of all the elements, including ether. We could call that our consciousness, and focus is the vehicle of movement for our consciousness. Areon said the January energies represent an important energy throughout the year. Ugh. So true. We are constantly in a ...

The Victims of 9/11 Speak to us through Suzy Ward

The Victims of 9/11 Speak to us through Suzy Ward

by Steve Beckow

Posted September 10, 2021

New York 9/11 Museum

The victims of 9/11 speak to Matthew Ward through his mother, Suzy. Reprinted from 2019.

Matthew’s Message, Dec. 17, 2009, reproducing message from 2001, at httpss://

Suzy: Matthew, I just heard from Kalama that a representative of the people who perished in the towers told her they gave you a message.

What Your Ascension Is Really About

What Your Ascension Is Really About  The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton September 10, 2021 Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of becoming our oversouls as you are in the process of becoming your higher selves, and we want you to realize how blessed you are to be making this transition, as difficult and challenging as the shift has been. We understand the process of shedding skin in order to be born anew, as we are going through something that is similar at this time. What we have come to realize is that the process is not about leaving behind our old identity as the Ninth Dimensional Arcturian Council. This is a process of becoming more of who we are. It is a process of broadening the idea of who we are and holding that knowing permanently. And so, as you move the more difficult experiences that you are having, and you feel that you are losing yourself in the process, remember that the experience you are having is one of becoming more, not less. Your ego can cling to who you have been. Your ego can certainly identify ...

Underlying changes are taking onto a path that will bring you compl...

Underlying changes are taking onto a path that will bring you complete satisfaction.

Higher Self

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

Posted September 10, 2021

Depending on your level of consciousness it will determine how well you interpret the messages. You are not all expected to understand the deeper meaning but there is no reason why you should not understand at your personal level.

The Glorious Unknown

The Glorious Unknown Por Ashian Through Jennifer Crokaert Posted September 8, 2021 Many of you are seeking answers, directions, info-drops…a map, plan or guide to what the future holds. This is understandable, it allows you to prepare, to feel control in an unpredictable situation. As far as it is possible, you have been given many hints, signs and clues so that you may have a rough idea of how events will unfold. But that is it. It’s a loose guideline because, in this now moment, the unknown holds more power and potency than the known. It may seem counter-intuitive to you, but consider this…if all is known, you move from intuition and discernment into predictability and unconsciousness. Now is the moment to sharpen your intuition, to feel into new spaces and knowingness, to allow yourself the luxury of not knowing and not grasping, but to simply be with the glorious unknown. Here, in this sacred ....

The Magical Weapon of Joy

The Magical Weapon of Joy Catherine Viel Posted September 8, 2021 At dawn, behold! the pall of night was gone… The sun rose smiling o’er the river’s breast, And my soul, by his happy spirit blest, Soared like a bird to greet him in the sky, And drew out of his heart Eternity. ~Claude McKay, Morning Joy One of my cats seems deliriously happy this morning, as if he’s been rolling in catnip or enjoyed fresh liver for dessert. What does he know that I don’t? I am feeling a faint but discernible echo of what I imagine my cat is experiencing. An anticipation of joy. Not too much joy—just the right amount. It seems odd to imagine such a thing as too much joy, but an overwhelming emotional experience, whether we consider it positive or negative, can be deleterious to one’s health. Even so, I would take the risk of being fatally overjoyed if it could free me from the increased governmental restrictions and outright theft of sovereign rights that the world has increasingly been subjected to. If being overjoyed is a way of breaking that control, I’ll gladly accept the consequences. ***** Although it sounds fanciful, perhaps joy itself is some sort of magical weapon. A shining sword of light, cutting through dense tendrils of pervasive darkness and the deepest levels of fear. It seems that fear and its negative manifestations have been wielded to subjugate humanity practically from the dawn of time here on Planet Earth. One of the themes in recent analyses I’ve been watching, for example from Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, and Mel K, is that fear is the biggest weapon that continues to be used against us. Fear can generate a kind of paralysis that keeps us in this apparently negative stasis, particularly with the media endlessly hyping Covid and its supposed spawn of deadly variants. I often feel a measure of impatience when commentators seem to chide us for allowing ourselves to be controlled by fear. Of course we’re afraid! Look at the threats we’re facing! How on earth can anyone with two brain cells to rub together ...

Some Words on What We Can Do Now

Some Words on What We Can Do Now By Sophia Posted September 10, 2021 It is the One, Sophia. Hope. It is the lynchpin. * It is necessary for belief in a positive outcome. It is the emotional equivalent of intent, and necessary for creation. For you will see your new world in your dreams before it manifests physically. You will see with your physical eyes only what you accept as possible and comprehend. What you expect will show itself in your world again and again and again. Hope. Seek evidence of your new world. Your healthy body. Peace. Cooperation with all races, nations and others. Abundance. Love. Hope is not frivolous or futile. It is the beginning of creation. You will not sit idly by as some benevolent other bestows on you a new and better world. You will create that new world yourselves. ....

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