Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Veil Removal and Purification of Black Magic Grids By Ramona Lappin

WOW, these are some powerful energies and Activations flowing in, with plenty of C-class and near M-class Solar Flares, following the big M-class CME from yesterday morning, and earlier Schuhmann Resonance whiteout and spikes, as well as solar winds, that have calmed down for now. I have to say it feel so f***** good purging all the AI Grids, black goo and materials fully from our and the planetary vessels, as our Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Avatar Self, along with Nova Gaja’s New Unity and Diamond Grid System are powerfully kicking into gear!

We have some massive Activations flowing in also as part of the HOLY TRINITY GATEWAY OF DIVINE COSMIC ONENESS, LOVE & RE-UNION – REMOTE ACTIVATIONS I am facilitating (more information on how to take part in the comments below). I’m being shown powerful Diamond White Rainbow Plasma waves and Activations running Rainbow Rounds of plasma light directly downstepped from Source, throughout the Grids, assisting the final Purification and getting everything ready for the final big switch on!!!

Our DNA is being cleared of all remaining fallen Timeline memories and traumas, which may be triggered by something more trivial in your life right now. So if you have powerful emotional reactions and releases triggered by seemingly small issues, just know that there’s a bigger theme and trauma imprint being cleared and healed. Just try and see beyond what is playing out and ask to be shown the lesson with ease and grace. Anything that still needs to be cleared for our final ascend out of the lower frequency Realities, is coming up very naturally now as all interference patterns dissolve. Allow it to flow through and out of you, it can all be very quick now, just don’t resist any of it so it can move more quickly out of your body as it’s just an energetic release.+++

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