Vaccines as bioweapons. Are vaccine-induced diseases being deliberately distributed to reduce the human population? In 1988, the English Prince Consort Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, said: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” There were several billion too many useless human eaters on the planet. There are many cases of vaccine-induced diseases. As recently with the World Health Organisation's 2009 fake global pandemic scareover H1N1 swine flu, one need only invent a pretext for vaccinating the population in order to carry out such a bioweapon attack. Lab-invented viruses and their often more dangerous lab-invented vaccine antidotes can cause havoc with populations. The 1918 Spanish Flu was the greatest pandemic in recorded history. Most mainstream accounts omit the fact that the 1918 pandemic was caused by vaccines given to World War I soldiers to guard them against typhoid. The vaccines used on the soldiers were contaminated with a lethal version of H1N1 Swine Flu. Was the contamination deliberately contrived? The earliest case of an intentional vaccine-induced disease occurred in Kansas City and Pittsburgh (USA) in the early 1920s. In each city, hundreds of thousands of credulous citizens were convinced by scary campaigns to get vaccinated against non-existent threats of smallpox. The result was hundreds of deaths and thousands of cases of debilitating smallpox among the manipulated populations. The conspirators were convicted for this crime, but the story is not widely known. Another case concerned the polio virus in the 1950s. The initial batches of Dr Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine, and even Dr. Sabin’s improved vaccine with “attenuated” live viruses, produced thousands of cases of poliomyelitis in vaccinated individuals. The new Sabin vaccines were contaminated with a mutated monkey virus called SV-40. This is said to have caused millions of cancers worldwide.
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