Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Update on "The Event" from Prepare for Change: the End of Humanity's Enslavement

Update on ‘The Event’ from Prepare for Change: The End of Humanity’s Enslavement

Update on ‘The Event’ from Prepare for Change: The End of Humanity’s Enslavement

Extremely valuable information below I encourage everyone to read. It feels a little more real every time I read it, and we’re nearly there… 

Our ‘current financial system is malfunctioning’— I love it.  That’s a nice way to put it.  ~ BP

“The Event”

Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine (black hole). We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non physical.

On the non physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.

On the physical plane there will be:

1. The arrest of the Cabal (already started)

2. The re-set of the Financial Systems

3. Disclosure – the release of ET information

4. The beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity.

5. NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, etc.

6. Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.

7. Introduction of new advanced technologies.

8. The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.

9. There is much, much more to look forward to.


What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”

We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of the event (it will be soon), it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:

1. Keep an extra 2 weeks of food on hand starting now.

2. Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.

3. Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.

4. Gas up your vehicle when the tank is 1⁄2 empty.

5. Stay in touch with this website for updates.

6. Educate yourself, friends and family members.

7. Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.

8. Join the Weekly Sunday Meditation. See for details.


What to expect Financially “AFTER The EVENT”

Vision for New Financial System – Transition from the Old Financial System to the New Financial System.

The current Financial System is malfunctioning and is being replaced with a new financial system. Do not panic. This is a good thing. Your needs will be provided for. As with any major change, the first few days are always the most confusing. Since all major TV networks, Internet, newspapers, and radio stations will be broadcasting quality information about The EVENT you can expect to become more and more comfortable as the day moves along. Below are instructions for the first 14 days

Day 1 – within minutes of THE EVENT happening (The Divine Galactic energy pulse).

1. All banks will temporarily close – no access to  banks for 3-7 days (up to 14 days).

2. All credit cards and ATM machines will be  temporarily disabled (up to 14 days).

The reason for this is to cut off access of funds to the illegal owners of the central banks around the world, known as The Cabal.  Most businesses will be encouraged to stay open, and continue to accept cash and checks as they would in their normal course of doing business. Checks/cheques will clear as soon as the banks reopen.

(1-2 weeks after THE EVENT).

If you do not have access to cash, and are in need of basic necessities which cannot be accessed through friends, family, community or emergency services, a voucher system will be set up in order to pay for goods and services.

This is not free money. This is basically a loan to you for up to $1000. which may be used from the day of the event for food, medicines & necessities until such time that the banks re-open.

After that they become null and void, and you will be charged for the amount used. Businesses will be compensated for legitimate vouchers which they then can process through any bank. Those people who elect to use vouchers to purchase goods and services will be responsible for re-payment either through their bank, or as an offset against future earnings/

-        All currencies will still be alive

-        There will be a financial re-evaluation after the Event

-        There will be transparency accounting with banks that reopen.

-        Interest charges will stop.

-        Fractional banking will cease.

-        The IRS will be dismantled immediately.

-        All Banks with strong ties to The Cabal will be bankrupt.

-        The Federal Reserve will be dismantled immediately.

-        All debts will not be forgiven, meaning if you used credit cards to buy goods thinking your debts were forgiven, that will not be acceptable.

-        Food, shelter, and technology will be available for everyone.

-        No gold will be traded on the open market.

-        There will be no more homeless people.

-        There will be no more stock market.

-        Money in bank accounts will be frozen from reset to the new bank system (3-14 days).  If funds were acquired legally, then the money will be kept.

-        The Cabal’s money is illegal and will be seized.


More Future Details to The Changes for The New Society:

-        The only tax will be 14% on new items purchased.

-        Humanitarianism will reign.

-        New technology will be released but electricity grids will be kept going through the conversion.

-        Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts.

-        Debts up to $100,000 will be forgiven.  If over that amount, it will be analyzed.  Real outstanding debt will be taken from that amount or if not enough, you will be advised to go into bankruptcy.

-        All countries’ debts will be forgiven.

-        Mortgages will be cancelled out.

-        Retirement accounts will be preserved.

-        Social security/retirement/health care will be changed; free health insurance will be provided for a new, advanced medical system.

-        The average work week will be 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week.

-        Production costs will decrease.

-        All legal contracts will be respected.

-        The police force will be restructured for protection, not money collectors.

-        Common law will be respected – not distorted.

-        Most credit card debt will be cancelled.

-        Speculation will not be tolerated, and you can not rack up your credit cards now, expecting them to be cancelled out later without being on the hook. There is financial tracking.

-        Most of Congress (U.S.) will be disbanded.

-        Congress will close at reset. (Goes for all countries)

-        There will be new elections for Congress (All governments worldwide) within 4 months of RESET.

-        Monsanto, the corrupt part of Microsoft, will be bankrupt immediately. Same for other corrupt companies.

-        Most prisoners will be released and receive psychological counseling and training because they were forced to do things due to life conditions.  Many will be released because they are innocent.

-       CIA operated drug trade will cease, and drastic restructuring will be needed.

-        When we are all fully ‘healed,’ we will stop eating meat (animals will be appreciated for what they are).

-        There will still be bankruptcies.

-        We won’t be able to have factories in China any longer.

-        Most Companies will keep operating.

-        Companies will buy back shares and give investors back their money.

-        The Resistance will help and advise.

-        The electrical grid will be intact, however when The Cabal goes down, we may have darkness for short intervals.

See and for more details of Cobra and his New Society Information.

Financial life after the “EVENT” will be vastly improved now that the bonds of debt illegally imposed by The Cabal are removed. Every person on the planet will have funds available for improving their lives.

Victory to the Light Danell Glade Financial Group


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Comment by Besimi on July 12, 2014 at 12:17am

THE AWAKENING…. DEEP WITHIN… The awakening in consciousness is the true movement of higher energy fields, into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of mankind and planet earth on mul…


When one thinks of energy one has to understand that in essence all energy is made up of minute particles of light, which vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore the new energy now works on multiple levels, and that is color and sound. Both combine to form the nucleus of the new technology which will become the way of life, in the New Golden Age. First of all in order for us to be able to tap into and utilize this energy and the energy fields being released to the optimum, we have to awaken from deep within. For in reality we ARE pure energy – our bodies are pure energy, and the earth is pure energy.

In the 3D world this energy was sluggish and very dense, and now that we are moving into the new dimension, this energy is becoming lighter and less dense. This is because the light quotient levels are going up, and thus we are able to absorb higher frequencies etc.

Our greatest source of energy absorption comes in two major forms or structures in the body: the chakras or energy wheels, and the 33 vertebrae of our spinal column. The other energy fields are there in the crown of our heads, in the heart center and in the coccyx bowl. It is when all of these are functioning as one single unit that we can raise our vibrations to such a conscious state, that we can easily teleport, levitate, and thus live off the prana, or vital force alone. The Yogis in the Himalayas have done this for thousands of years, so it is in reality nothing new – it is just that we have forgotten vital components of how to do this.

I was listening to someone playing the Tibetan singing bowls, from the biggest to the smallest, and I could feel the energy vibrating through my whole body. As each set of bowls was tune to a certain tone, this tone then had the deep tones and the high tones, and all in the one single key, which was either A, D, E, F or whatever, and each one of these then attuned the chakras in question. As this happened, I found my whole spinal column reverberating, as the spinal column in one huge tuning fork, and it is through this incredible instrument that enlightenment happens, in attunement to the chakra wheels. Note the word ATTUNEMENT, for indeed that is what it is.

In that moment I understood, that we are like a violin – and the Master musician has to fine-tune us, so that we vibrate at exactly the correct tone or chord or musical note. If one single string on this violin is not perfectly tuned in, the Maestro cannot make beautiful and profound music, for the one string out of tune, will add discordant sound. It is inherent to man to be in any way discordant, for we are made up of the same stardust, of which the Universe and all of Creation have been formed. Thus within ourselves we have the music of the spheres. It is a matter of being retuned, and restrung by the higher energies, so that we can at last claim our cosmic heritage and become and grow in perfect harmony with the rest of the cosmos.

Yet, in essence this is a very personal thing. As much as we can ask other people to bring our own energy centers in higher alignment, in as much something within us will not be tuned in, until we do the inner cleansing and clearing work.

What clogs up our energy systems the most is all the emotional baggage which we tend to accumulate and lug around with us. Some of this has come over many lifetimes and in multiple existences.

Every time we hang onto anger, or pain, and nurse resentment, discord, and blame ourselves and others, we clog up our systems, just like a drain gets block when too much debris is washed out it and the system gets clogged. Sometimes these resentments and blame move through generations, and the bitterness is brought from one generation into the next. This clogs up the whole DNA and ancestral lineages.

In places where there has been war or intense trauma, that collective pain stays there for thousands of years after this has happened. I have stood on battlefields and the trauma there was palpable. Such collective trauma clogs up the earth’s energy fields and needs to be released.

In essence the rising of consciousness is a personal responsibility and a personal quest. Not one of us will have had the same awakening, or the same initiations. It is a very unique and special experience for each individual soul. There are many levels of awakening and many levels of consciousness. To each his or her own – this is what makes us unique and special, yet part and particle of a greater whole.

However, as each one of us consciously wake up and consciously clear our energy systems, and consciously work towards the greater good of whole, then we affect the level of consciousness all around. One has a ripple effect on many, and the more the one works with the many, the more the one becomes the many, and becomes a powerful catalyst for change.

Never under estimate your own power to effect changes. You might not even be aware that you are impacting on the lives of others, but you are in your own unique way. We are not all meant to be leaders in society – a lot of highly evolved souls chose to incarnate and lead ordinary lives, and do this work in total obscurity. It is not always those who make the most noise, who have the most potent effect on society. Most often changes come from the unknown and the few. In the greater cosmic sea, every single soul is validated and every single soul is worthy in his or her own right. Never under estimate the power of ONE, for here the law of the One and Many is applied.

Just like one single cell in your body, has a ripple effect on all the other cells, so does your presence cause a ripple effect somewhere and somehow here on planet – whether you are aware of this or not. This is time of mass awakening.

So many of us already have been through the mill and back again, and now step into a great maturity as souls, so that we can lead the others. This does not mean that we can stop doing all the inner work – it merely means that we have found a type of inner balance and peace, which will help us through the next few years, until 2024, when the Golden Age will truly be anchored in, and on multiple levels.

As with all, there will be massive earth changes and changes within society by then. It is up to us to hold the light steady, and to truly step up and out in mission. (Judith Kusel) peonies_girl_volegov1538832_368995669905311_6639598429558568388_n


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