Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Great Quantum Transition
By Lev

What is happening these days in the “atmosphere”, or rather, on the Subtle Plane, are just the least demonstrates stalemate, and the Schumann Resonance eloquently proves it. That is why during the Solar Solstice, Co-Creators and their ground team conducted another important operation, related to the Earth’s Logos, planetary and Causal Matrices (see – DNI, New Matrix, Parts 1-11).

On June 21 at 14:57 UTC, Co-Creators on the Subtle Plane and Lightwarriors on the Earth’s surface by joint efforts activated the Earth’s new evolutionary code, and on June 24, as in previous days, continued its sync and fine-tuning. What is this parameter?

Earlier, Disclosure News already narrated it (see Part 5-2, June 2023). Recall. From the moment of its creation and until recently, the dimensionality of our reality (space-time continuum) was 3.14D. This is a well-known number “Pi”. It is not only a mathematical constant equal to the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter, but also the source code of the Earth’s three-dimensional Matrix, corresponding to...+

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