Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Understanding Our Potential as Creators

Understanding Our Potential as Creators

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on march 14, 2023


Let’s begin with our consciousness. From quantum physics experiments, we know that consciousness is universal. It is everywhere and always and is the creative essence of everything. In our essence we arise within universal consciousness. It is the essence of our life and our awareness. Although it is beyond explanation, we know what it is. We are all fractals of it, sharing its essence within and beyond time/space. In this incarnation we are expressing our consciousness as our personal identity and physical presence, but this is only one of possibly an infinite number of expressions. 


Tags: consciousness, creative essence, essence, experiments, expressions, infinite, kenneth schmitt, potential as creators, quantum physics, understanding, universal consciousness, workings of nature

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