Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Why do you criticize so?  Do you not realize
that what you do not like in another is what you
do not like in yourself?  You are looking at a
mirror image of yourself.  You can say, "but how
is this, I am not like that at all" but it is
what is hidden that you often do not see. 

Everyone in your life is a teacher or a mirror,
even whom you term 'enemies'. 
These people can often be your best friends in
the world of spirit.  They come to help you
learn.  So often you become affronted by what
people say and do, yet they are only showing or
teaching you things you need to know.  If you do
not see this, and learn what is necessary, the
soul will not grow.  It will stay stagnant in the
comfort zone, a wonderful place to be for some,
but not a place where one can grow spiritually.

I was asked the other day of Earth time, "why do
you keep writing about the same things"?  I said
"I write about the same things, but in a
different way because the more the mind sees it,
the more the mind and programming can get the
message and change.  The next time someone hurts
you, makes comment that you do not like, creates
a situation where you feel like running away. 
Ask yourself, why am I reacting?
What is it that I need to look at here?  What a
waste of energy in reacting and running away.

Once the situation is looked at and faced, then
it is finished.  Yes, we may test you a few times
to see if you have learned the lesson or looked
into the mirror properly and gained the message
that was delivered.  But eventually, it will be
no more.  With all that reaction which is fear
and which is negative, if you do not react, the
energy can be used for a higher purpose.

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Comment by Tony on July 19, 2011 at 7:33pm

I AM that I am; whatever I see, whoever I meet is a living expression of Me.....


On my home page just in case i forget ;-)

Comment by patrick on July 19, 2011 at 4:53pm
everybody in one's life is a mirror of oneself, so true, thank you

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