Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Under the Stars Heavenletters Via Gloria Wendroff

Under the Stars
Via Gloria Wendroff

You feel grounded in familiar places surrounded by familiar things. You feel settled, and that is how you think you are supposed to feel. You feel you are the person who lives among these belongings and who, of course, belongs among them. It is as if you sit on a couch, bolstered by pillows on each side. You don’t slouch, but the pillows nevertheless keep you upright. They support you. They keep you in place. You depend on them. They help you identify yourself. “I am the person who lives here.” You feel safe and sound at home.

It is as if where you live tells you who you are. The walls demark your universe, yet it is a far vaster universe that you live in. The walls are a little illusion within the Great Illusion.

Spend a night under the stars.

Yes, the walls around you protect you from the elements. They also confine you. Your pictures on the wall are not really the guide to who you are. When you rely on your environs, you are like a swimmer who swims in the bath tub, and yet is meant to swim in the ocean. Anyway, the bathtub is located in the ocean.

Loose yourself from the bonds of your usual habitat, and you will remember what you are part of and where your true identity lies.

You are more than a resident of your house, town, state, country, continent, planet. You are far more than a citizen of the world. You are an angel of Heaven. And you are a resident of My heart.

Expand your boundaries. Be not confined to one space. Travel far. Float. Fly.

A star blinks in the night sky. A star reaches far. Its light reaches you. Where does the star belong? Surely it covers a greater area than where the compass says it is....+@

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