Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Twin Rays exist an octave above Twin Flames.
Twin Flames are capable of individualized incarnate embodiment.
Twin Rays exist an octave above as pure light.

There is confusion between the two, because they are each an aspect of the other.
At the Moment you are created, it appears as a water droplet of pure light
which divides immediately into two cells, one male and one female,
and otherwise exactly the same in every way.

These are Divine Compliments of each other in perfect balance.
The first expression of this Divine Creation is a Twin Ray of Light.
From the Twin Ray of Light then is born an expression in form.
This expression in form of the Twin Ray becomes the Twin Flame.
These are the individual forms which have expression in the physical.

What is a Twin Flame?
A twin flame is the other half of yourself.
It is part of the creation that was created in the same moment as you.
One is male and one is female.

We have a soul contract with our twin flames and when we fell into matter,
we agreed with our twin flames that we would spend several lifetimes apart.

We wanted to experience separation in many lifetimes and we did this by spending time apart
and having lifetimes with other soul groups, but we always stayed connected.

You are never separate from your twin flame.
It is part of yourself that you cannot separate from.
So if you’re searching for your twin flame and wondering where they are,
they are as close as your breath.

If you invite them into your heart and if you invite them to communicate with you,
you will feel them and you can have a telepathic conversation with them.
It would be nice if you ask them their name and get to know them better
through two-way telepathic communication.

At this time on Earth, there are twin flames who have incarnated to live together.
This has been rare in the past, but is becoming more and more a reality each day.

As we open our hearts to the possibility of uniting with our twin flame love,
it is through this love that you can express divine love on planet Earth.
We can bring in the God creation of love and anchor it in and use this love
to expand our consciousness and it affects everything around us. 

Now we are coming to the time where we will have First Contact.
We will have mass landings of ships because we chose to experience the separation
in many many lifetimes apart from our twin flames, this is the time for uniting with twin flames.
For anyone who chooses this as a reality, who desires to be with their twin flame, this possibility……

It is possible now for anyone who desires it to reunite with their twin flame in the physical.
This reuniting begins on the subconscious level and this is how it starts:

Communicating through meditation with your twin flame and developing a relationship with them.
Calling to them.  Having telepathic conversations with them.

This establishes a basis for the reuniting and it’s the beginning.
By doing this meditation on a daily basis, it breaks the impediments on the heart to loving.

Due to multiple lifetimes of experiencing separation, there are many emotions
which are connected with our love experiences with partnerships through romantic love
that are nothing like experiencing twin flame love.

By connecting with your twin flame, on the subconscious level through meditation
and telepathic conversations, this will invoke feelings of deep love and this experience
will cause a person to start to shed off the negative programming that has gone on with other relationships.

Romantic relationships and sexual relationships and it will dissolve these impediments to true love.
The experience of twin flame love is a complete balance of the divine masculine and the divine feminine.
It is ecstatic, orgasmic joy and it is this experience of love that will enlighten the earth at this time.  

Experience…… as the ships land and we join with our mentors and we rid the planet
of polluting elements and begin to have clean water and clean food for everybody.

In the first 30 or 60 days after landing have everything cleaned up,
have those who are needing healing from medical conditions going through the healing process
and any of the things that aren’t desired to bring us back into balance.

And we start to meet with our mentors and redesign our lives
and co-create the dreams that we want to bring into Terra Nova.

As this happens, it will become possible as we raise our self up in vibratory light,
it is then possible to meet with our twin flame.  These meetings can happen in many different ways.
It will happen for each individual in the best way possible for them.
In the best circumstance possible.

There will be many changes happening as the packages are delivered
and we start to co-create the new Earth and  new situations will be created
that we cannot at this time fathom.

The first step in the twin flame reunions is to open your heart for possibility.

For those of you who are living with your twin flame on the planet at this time,
as you live lives anchored in duality you face challenges which brought up tests for both of you
and your clearing process has been more turbulent than others
as you are both a mirror for each other, a perfect mirror.

You are twins after all and as we step into the 5th dimensional realities as we ascend.
As we clear issues on an individual basis, these twin flame relationships which are incarnate
and living together now will become more and more harmonious.

It is very important at this time to co-create the reality you want starting first with your thoughts
and the emotions in your heart.

And if you have suffered any imbalances that affect your loving relationships at this time,
it is important to do the internal work to clear those things now.

There are many techniques to do this and if you go within and ask your higher guidance,
you will find the right thing that works for you.

Clearing and coming into balance it is a prerequisite to having the ability
to open the heart to this new relationship.

There’s no need to fear of the timing that this will happen.
There is no need to worry that it won’t happen to you.  It is available to everyone.

You will have the assistance you need to make this a reality in your life if this is your desire.
There is a great amount on the systems and one must ask.  Ask as you feel guided.
Ask your guardian angel.  Ask the Archangels.

Ask for the help of an ascended master you feel close to.  Ask a galactic that you feel close to.

Any and all of this guidance is available to you and they are waiting for you to ask
and they will connect you with your twin flame and you can have that connection
and feel that love in your heart now.
It is the precursor for meeting them on the physical.
Are you ready to bring in excitement and passion for your Twin Flame?
When you come together with your Twin Flame in consciousness,
even before any kind of meeting where the Twin is reflected to you in the physical,
you begin creating a shared Twin Flame heart.

This Twin Flame heart is a powerful tool for bringing the world back to Love.
Anything or anyone placed in the Twin Flame heart is brought right to God,
and thus returned to Love.

Commit to coming together in consciousness to build this Twin Flame heart together,
before coming together in the physical.

This creates a firm foundation of Love for the relationship on the spiritual level.
Are there any sensations in your body where you feel any discomfort or blocks
now release those blocks with a sound wonderful and now that you have moved to that
inner environment you can feel the safety of this space creating a
wonderful safe environment to explore your Twin Flame Love.

Just breath in that safety Allow yourself to feel it.
Moving from the top of your head your crown chakra area moving to your third eye forehead area
moving to your throat chakra and effortlessly moving to your heart area
and gently moving to uyour solar plexus chakra and now moving to the base of your
spine at your root chakra and you fel this energetic flow novng through all of your energy centers
and move through the essence of being held in safety

When was the last time you just allowed yourself to be held, to be cradled in love.
And so for the next few minutes just allow that and experience being safe
and being held and being loved
And as we feel surrounded by the energy of love and as we feel cradled and held in the arms of
our Divine Compliment, Our TwinFlame, we know Love is the most powerful vibration
That in love all harmony exists.

And the purity of love allows us to entwine with our Twin Flame and brings great love into our heart.
You are able to recognize your Twin Flame and you are ready to transform to Unity in Love.
Take a few moments and go inward and ask your Twin Flame to deliver a message to you now.
Identify the feeling transmitted to you by your Twin Flame.

Now that you can see and feel your message from your Twin Flame
What have you garnered today?
And now as you become clear in this message,
give gratitude for the combining with your Twin Flame now.

You can feel the your Angels your Guides your Masters and the Creator
walking with you two together you are supported and loved
there is so much happiness around you and you are ready
to support the reunion with your Twin Flame.

As you join together there is a knowing you will never be apart again.
Now there is a knowing that love can transform every part of your life.

Breath the essence of this love in from the top of your head and feel it going into all your body parts
going in through all your body parts the top of your head and go in through the top
of your head down your neck to your shoulders your arms your forearms your hands and fingertips
going back up your arms to your chest area

Now breath this love in through your chest area deep into your heart and down through the rest of your body,
your organs your stomach your large intestines your small intestine your liver bladder your kidneys
all your reproductory organs feel them being filled with love.

Continue to allow the love move down your legs your knees your calves
into your feet your toes the bottom of your feet, up the back of your calves to your thighs
and buttocks area to your spine to your midback your shoulder blades
and to the top of your head where we started.

You can trace and feel this beautiful love fill your entire body now focus this love in your brain area
filtering through your brain filtering through any old belief systems you are ready to release.
Now we move the love from our physical to our emotional bodies.

Now we move this energy from our minds to our hearts allowing this energy of love to move down
to our hearts to release any bitterness, resentment,
guilt or unforgiving thoughts we have related to romantic love and just breath this in
and allow the Twin Flame love to melt away any essences of those energies....

Wonderful! And now we begin to move this love into our etheric body or aura,
our spiritual essence and we allow this love to clear any weaknesses around us
and we send these weaknesses out to seal any tears or pinholes
to rejuvenate this and strengthen it with pure love. We feel all this love in all 4 of our bodies.

We continue to pour the essence of love that fills us from our hearts and we send it outward
and outward, entwining us with our Twin Flame and to all the Twin Flames
around the World We see an explosion of white light as the reunions continue

and Twin Flames link together all over the World This beautiful white light moves through us
and around to the others and it spreads over the Earth and it gets bigger
and the light is soooo beautiful, all the colors of the rainbow are within it

and you are imersed in this light and though it is beautiful there is also a vulnerablity about it
and you feel a lightness that you have never felt before and you feel the pulse from the pink platinum pyramid.
This is all about transformation.
You can see beautiful pink platinum pyramids all around you,
surrounding you, inviting you to fully embrace your Twin Flame.

You can feel a sensation pour out of your heart and through your whole body.
This Oneness Unity in Love is beautiful. And Oh My God, this Unity Love is for flying.

So embrace the vulnerability of the air of the heavens around you and spread these wings
and move into whatever new territories are in your heart and I will give you a couple of moments
to embrace new wonderful unexplored territories of your love.
Everyone has had the experience we call intuition.
It is a knowingness of the heart that bypasses the mind.

Meeting in consciousness is the awareness of your Twin in spirit, in your heart, in knowingness.
The Twin Flame energy is so powerful that by focusing on your Twin,
calling him or her to you, and sending Love from deep in your heart,
you can quickly move into a glorious relationship in consciousness.

Soon you will feel the Twin Flame heart you are building together.
Then, by agreement, you will begin working together with
your Twin Flame heart to give Love,
not only to each other, but to all of life.

This returns you as a Twin Flame couple to the flow of Creation which is based on giving.
What you give comes back to you, and your Twin Flame relationship will grow in amazing ways.
Beth Trutwin

Starseed Claude

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