Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Trump & Putin in Nuclear Charade?

April 10, 2017


April 10, 2017

Chabad, a worldwide Jewish movement, is 
at the center of a web of ties between the Kremlin 
and the White House. If Putin's Christianity is as bogus as Trump's nationalism, then the two men may be engaged in a Chabad charade to
exterminate the goyim in a nuclear conflagration. 
Why is the US only crossing a "red line" now?
Surely Putin knows that the CIA & Mossad have been
behind the Syrian insurgency all along? We overlooked Trump's
Jewish ties to our detriment. What about Putin's?
by Ben Schreckinger 
(abridged by 
Starting in 1999, Putin enlisted two of his closest confidants, the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who would go on to become Chabad's biggest patrons worldwide, to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar, who would come to be known as "Putin's rabbi."
A few years later, Trump would seek out Russian projects and capital by joining forces with a partnership called Bayrock-Sapir, led by Soviet emigres Tevfik Arif, Felix Sater and Tamir Sapir--who maintain close ties to Chabad. The company's ventures would lead to multiple lawsuits alleging fraud and a criminal investigation of a condo project in Manhattan.
(Crossed hands, Donald and Dad. "Donald Trump's father Frederick C Drumpf was a close associate of the "corrupt powerful New York political fixer, Abraham (Bunny) Lindenbaum". Bunny Lindenbaum, and his son, Sandy Lindenbaum were high priests of the secret ultra orthodox Lubavitch Movement."
Meanwhile, the links between Trump and Chabad kept piling up. In 2007, Trump hosted the wedding of Sapir's daughter and Leviev's right-hand man at Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach resort. A few months after the ceremony, Leviev met Trump to discuss potential deals in Moscow and then hosted a bris for the new couple's first son at the holiest site in Chabad Judaism. Trump attended the bris along with Kushner, who would go on to buy a $300 million building from Leviev and marry Ivanka Trump, who would form a close relationship with Abramovich's wife Dasha Zhukova. Zhukova would host the power couple in Russia in 2014 and reportedly attend Trump's inauguration as their guest.
With the help of this trans-Atlantic diaspora and some globetrotting real estate moguls, Trump Tower and Moscow's Red Square can feel at times like part of the same tight-knit neighborhood. Now, with Trump in the Oval Office having proclaimed his desire to reorient the global order around improved U.S. relations with Putin's government--and as the FBI probes the possibility of improper coordination between Trump associates and the Kremlin--that small world has suddenly taken on outsized importance.
Founded in Lithuania in 1775, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement today has adherents numbering in the five, or perhaps six, figures....
Despite its small size, Chabad has grown to become the most sprawling Jewish institution in the world, with a presence in over 1,000 far-flung cities, including locales like Kathmandu and Hanoi with few full-time Jewish residents. The movement is known for these outposts, called Chabad houses, which function as community centers and are open to all Jews. "Take any forsaken city in the world, you have a McDonald's and a Chabad house," explained Ronn Torossian, a Jewish public relations executive in New York.
Chabad adherents differ from other Hasidic Jews on numerous small points of custom, including the tendency of Chabad men to wear fedoras instead of fur hats. Many adherents believe that the movement's last living leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who died in 1994, is the messiah and some believe he is still alive. Chabad followers are also, according to Klein, "remarkable" fundraisers.
As the closest thing the Jewish world has to evangelism--much of its work is dedicated to making Jews around the world more involved in Judaism--Chabad serves many more Jews who are not full-on adherents.
According to Boteach, a prominent rabbi in New Jersey and a longtime friend of Democratic Sen. Corey Booker, Chabad offers Jews a third way of relating to their religious identity. "You have three choices as a Jew," he explained. "You can assimilate and not be very affiliated. You can be religious and Orthodox, or there's sort of a third possibility that Chabad offers for people who don't want to go the full Orthodox route but do want to stay on the traditional spectrum."
This third way may explain the affinity Trump has found with a number of Chabad enthusiasts -- Jews who shun liberal reform Judaism in favor of traditionalism but are not strictly devout.
"It's not a surprise that Trump-minded people are involved with Chabad," said Torossian. "Chabad is a place that tough, strong Jews feel comfortable. Chabad is a non-judgmental place where people that are not traditional and not by-the-book feel comfortable."
He summarized the Chabad attitude, which is less strict than the Orthodox one, as, "If you can't keep all of the commandments, keep as many as you can."
Torossian, who coincidentally said he is Sater's friend and PR rep, also explained that this balance is particularly appealing to Jews from the former Soviet Union, who appreciate its combination of traditional trappings with a lenient attitude toward observance. "All Russian Jews go to Chabad," he said. "Russian Jews are not comfortable in a reform synagogue."
The Russian state's embrace of Chabad happened, like many things in Putin's Russia, as the result of a factional power struggle.
In 1999, soon after he became prime minister, Putin enlisted his two of his closest confidants, Roman Abramovich and Lev Leviev, to create the Federation of Russian Jewish Communities. Its purpose was to undermine the existing umbrella for Russia's Jewish civil society, the Russian Jewish Congress, led by oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky, a potential threat to Putin and President Boris Yeltsin. A year later, Gusinsky was arrested by Putin's government and forced into exile.
At the time, Russia already had a chief rabbi as recognized by the Russian Jewish Congress, Adolf Shayevich. But Abramovich and Leviev installed Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar at the head of their rival organization. The Kremlin removed Shayevich from its religious affairs council, and ever since it has instead recognized Lazar as Russia's chief rabbi, leaving the country with two rival claimants to the title.
The Putin-Chabad alliance has reaped benefits for both sides. Under Putin, anti-Semitism has been officially discouraged, a break from centuries of discrimination and pogroms, and the government has come to embrace a state-sanctioned version of Jewish identity as a welcome part of the nation.
As Putin has consolidated his control of Russia, Lazar has come to be known derisively as "Putin's rabbi." He has escorted the Russian leader to Jerusalem's Western Wall and attended the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics, Putin's pet project, on the Jewish Sabbath. Putin returned that favor by arranging for Lazar to enter the stadium without submitting to security checks that would have broken the rules for observing Shabbat.
In 2013, a $50 million Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center opened in Moscow under the auspices of Chabad and with funding from Abramovich. Putin donated a month of his salary to the project while the Federal Security Service, the successor to the KGB, pitched in by offering relevant documents from its archives.
In 2014, Lazar was the only Jewish leader present at Putin's triumphal announcement of the annexation of Crimea.
But the rabbi has paid a price for his loyalty to Putin. Since the annexation, his continued support for the Russian autocrat has caused a rift with Chabad leaders in Ukraine. And for years, the Russian government has defied an American court order to turn over a trove of Chabad texts called the "Schneerson Library" to the Chabad Lubavitch headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Shortly after the opening of the tolerance museum, Putin ordered the collection transferred there instead. The move made Lazar the custodian of a prized collection that his Brooklyn comrades believe is rightfully theirs.
If Lazar has any qualms about his role in all the intra-Chabad drama, he hasn't let on publicly. "Challenging the government is not the Jewish way," the rabbi said in 2015.
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Chabad, a worldwide Jewish movement, is 
at the center of a web of ties between the Kremlin 
and the White House. If Putin's Christianity is as bogus as Trump's nationalism, then the two men may be engaged in a Chabad charade to
exterminate the goyim in a nuclear conflagration. 
Why is the US only crossing a "red line" now?
Surely Putin knows that the CIA & Mossad have been
behind the Syrian insurgency all along? We overlooked Trump's
Jewish ties to our detriment. What about Putin's?
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Comment by CHRISTINA on April 10, 2017 at 1:59pm

Founded in 18th century Russia, Chabad is a branch of Hasidic Judaism, a form of Orthodox Judaism that promotes Jewish mysticism as the path to enlightenment. Chabad Lubavitchers study the Kabbalah, the satanic creed that erases moral absolutes and believes God is 'subjective'.

obama-and-chabad-leader-levi-Shemtov.JPG(Left, Barry Soetero with Chabad DC chieftain, Levi Shemtov)
Chabad came to prominence under the guidance of 'The Great Rebbe' Menachem Mendel Schneerson. His policies led Chabad through a period of great expansion establishing institutions in 900 cities around the world.

'The Great Rebbe' gave regular talks on the coming of the messiah. Over time, Lubavitchers began to realize that he meant himself. The belief that Schneerson was the Messiah was first openly professed by Rabbi Shavom Dol Wolpo in a 1984 book and quickly gained acceptance.

Absurdly, even though he died in 1994 'The Great Rebbe' is still the official leader of Chabad, like 'Great Leader' Kim Il-Sung is the leader of North Korea.

In Chabad schoolhouses children chant and salute the invisible Rebbe.


Chabad believes Jews are God's chosen people and everyone else is trash.  In the book "Gatherings and Conversations" the Great Rebbe tells his followers that Jewish people are an extension of God and Gentiles are destined to serve the Jews.

"Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."

"A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

Rabbi Ginsburgh, a leading Chabad Rabbi, has argued that because Gentiles are genetically inferior to Jews, a Jew should be able to take Gentiles organs if he needs one. He was recorded saying, 'As for the goyim... Zalman's attitude (was): "Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

'If every single cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.'

'If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value.'

The Jewish Daily Forward reported a talk given by Chabad Rabbi Mani Friedman.

Asked how he thinks Jews should treat their Arab neighbors Friedman responded, 'The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).'


Chabad's extremism makes them perfect apologists for Israeli crimes. A perfect example is Alan Dershowitz, a Chabad member.

Dershowitz is the premier Zionist apologist rolled out in front of the mainstream news cameras across the world to explain that Israelis are the victims of every massacre they carry out. An unhinged and creepy individual, during a recent speech he gave at Oxford University he took off his glasses and told the students that he has "Zionist eyes" as do all "reasonable people", Dershowitz is one of many Jewish extremists in sheep's clothing who lead mainstream political discourse in the West. 

As further evidence that Wikileaks is an intelligence operation, Dershowitz recently joined Julian Assange's legal team.


One of the policies of the Chabad is to send Rabbis across the world to set up Chabad houses. This movement, known as shilchus, has given Chabad a global support network.

chabadleaders2ax.jpgLubavitchers mix with the upper echelons of each host country. Their influence in each country varies.

The Canadian government recently gave the cult $800,000 for the building of a Chabad center in Montreal. Relations with Russia are less warm; the Russians recently refused to hand over two major collections of Chabad texts seized by early Soviet governments.

Where is Chabad's influence the greatest? You guessed it- the US.

Rabbi Shemtov is Chabad's Washington representative, and his enormous influence was illustrated when he lobbied successfully for the Great Rebbe to be posthumously awarded the congressional gold medal in 1995, the only religious leader ever to be given the award.

Rabbi Shemtov is an all-pervasive presence in D.C. Sue Fishkoff, author of 'The Rebbe's Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch', writes: "It's not enough that Chabad's man in D.C. knows the name and phone number of just about every congressman, senator and foreign ambassador in the nation's capital -- he also knows their legislative assistants, their secretaries and the people who clean their offices."

Shemtov says that the vast network of shelichim  inside the US generates his political power. "We have shelichimin forty-seven states and in [at least] 310 districts. ... People sometimes view the world of shelichim as three thousand people, but it's not only three thousand people, it's three thousand interconnected networks. So we can place a call from a constituent to almost any member of Congress."

"Most shelichim have good connections with their senators, congressmen and governors, who represent the most remote places in the United States. For example, when Sarah Palin, a Republican, burst onto the scene, she had already known about Jewish issues and Chabad specifically from Rabbi Yosef Greenberg in Alaska."

Members of the cast of 'Friends' recorded a piece for a Chabad telethon. Bob Dylan appeared on another.


Chabad is a criminal organization with ties to Mossad. Chabad houses provides safe houses and storefronts for Israeli intelligence and criminal activity. This includes everything from terrorism to money laundering, drug running to prostitution.

chabad (1).jpgFor instance, in March 1989 U.S. law enforcement rounded up a criminal network in Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Colombia, and Israel that involved a Chabad House that was involved in money laundering and currency violations.

Wayne Madsen writes: 'In Bangkok, Israeli military pilots and drivers who stay at the Chabad House there train Thai Army commandos, divers, and pilots who are fighting a Muslim secessionist movement along the southern border with Malaysia.

'Bangkok police have long suspected Chabad House as a center for the Israeli Mafia, which runs its Ecstasy and Ice trade from Bangkok for all of Southeast and East Asia. The Israeli Mafia also reportedly runs heroin labs in Myanmar, where an Israeli military officer serves in Myanmar's feared military counter-intelligence agency.'

Retaliation against the Chabad mafia can be seen in the Mumbai terrorist attacks when Lashkar-e-Taiba militants took hostage of the Mumbai Chabad house and murdered nine Jews, including Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg.

Wayne Madsen has reported that mafia overlord Dawood Ibrahim ordered the attacks partly in response to Israeli mafia attempts to take over his Mumbai drug trade.

'[Wayne Madsen Report] has learned from Asian intelligence sources that the Russian-Israeli gangsters operating out of Chabad House tried to take over Mumbai's drug trade with the help of local Jewish mobsters so Ibrahim, while settling scores with India, the CIA, and Britain, decided to have his subcontractor LET terrorists pay a visit to Chabad House and "collect on a debt with high interest."'

Chabad are allowed to exist as a powerful international force because they serve Israel in two ways: working with them in intelligence and criminal activities, and a source of extremist ideology to fuel Zionist crimes.

chabadleaders3ax.jpgThanks to David Livingstone for the tip!

RELATED - Brother Nathaniel  
The Kushner family gave Trump his start in New Jersey, (couldn't quite break into Jew York yet); funded his campaign from the get-go; and came collecting, putting sonny-boy as daddy-in-laws' right hand man.
There's a missing link there which is Sabbataen movement. Whatever Chabad's influence etc. it is because of their link to Jacob Frank, Frankism, and the religion of Edom expressed in Frank's psychotic demoniac ramblings. To call "Rothschild" a member of "the cult" is intellectually hilarious. Does Rothschild go around with a black hat or say Shma Yisrael in the morning? Hell no. Rothschild is a Frankist, not a Hasidic Chabadnik. Chabad is a SABBATAEN INFLUENCED branch of Illuminati influence which has access to influencing Hasidic- oriented Jews. But their main thing is based on Frankism and Sabbataenism, Chabad itself is not behind the Illuminati, Frankism is
Scholem has written droves of info distinguishing Hasidism from Sabbataenism. 
It's the small intellectual errors made by certain contributors that get to me because I see it as a complicity in the confusion of the dialectic. Selling multiple brands (the contributor)  of the same story does nothing to synthesize a correct big picture of whats going on. Sabbataen movement was Judaism's final descent into pure Satanism. Chabad is quasi-Orthodox quasi Sabbataen quasi this quasi that. They are also quasi college party. People go to their gatherings for free food and free vodka.
There's a difference between that and sacrificing  babies while sodomizing each other (the Frankist life) 
One of the main differences it that overt Luciferian scum does not dress up like Hasidic Jews, like really they don't.
They just wear pajamas that they wore after passing out of their latest blood fest of rape and degeneracy.
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Comment by CHRISTINA on April 10, 2017 at 1:58pm

Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch

The following is a section I wrote on November 7, 2016; it was part of an update titled Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election. I’m reposting it on this page because it contains information that is vital to your understanding of what’s really going in the world right now. So […]

This entry was posted on November 30, 2016.

Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script...

Here is a rather telling photoshop I found online… …The man on the left is Berel Lazar, Putin’s Chabad-Lubavitch handler… …And the man on the right is another International Jew, Henry Kissinger, Putin’s friend and mentor… …The man in the middle of the top photo is, of course, Vladimir Putin sitting on his “Moshiach ben […]

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