Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Trials of the Dark, and the Children Message from Lady Portia Through Caroline Oceana Ryan

Trials of the Dark, and the Children
Message from Lady Portia
Through Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today.

This week, our writer speaks again with Lady Master Portia again, goddess of Divine Justice and Opportunity, Master of the Golden Ray, which represents the Seventh Ray of Light, which holds the energy of Saint Germain’s (her twin flame’s) Transmuting Violet Flame.

LADY MASTER PORTIA: How may I assist, dear one?

COR: Lady Master, I received two questions from readers this week.

One is asking, “The 3-D matrix has gone after children. Jabs have been offered to four year olds. “How can that be sanctioned by the Galactic Powers? The 3-D matrix has reached Sesame Street!—telling children to get vaxxed to protect their parents, families, and friends.

“More than anything, an attack on the innocent is repulsive to me. How can this be allowed to continue? “Unless the [Divine] ‘helpers’ can tell me that every child who has been jabbed as a result of their parent’s fear is being kept from harm, I remain skeptical of their helping presence....+

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